Saturday, November 21, 2015

CL - Hello Bitches

Whatever you're doing, stop what you're doing and watch this MV right now. It is the best thing you'll have seen in a while.

I am dead fucking serious by that statement.

No, it's not because the music video is any good. It's so embarrassingly bad that you'll end up laughing. I couldn't stop laughing while watching this music video. Add that with a song equally as terrible and I haven't been this entertained by a music video in a while.

This is a perfect storm of everything being so terrible that I can't stop repeating the music video. You have CL trying to act like a badass and recruiting some ghetto rats and white trash to make herself appear more authentic, but all she did was surround herself with a crew of women equally as embarrassing as her.

The song is awful, continuing with mainstream hiphop's sad, sad decline. This is another song from YG that you'll wish you would have never listened to, except that this one is bad enough that you have to play it again to see if it really is that bad.

The choreography was really bad, and I lost it when that UCAAD started twerking.

Everything is so bad that a review would not do this music video justice. It's something you have to experience for yourself.

Rating based on quality: 0/10
Rating based on entertainment value: 10/10 watch it again


  1. hey, i played it twice and now the roaches in my house are all gone.. thanks!!

  2. It's fun to laugh at how contrived CL's image is.

  3. I watched the MV once and was going to try a second time but I couldn't get my ears and eyes to stop bleeding.

  4. I watched the MV once and was going to try a second time but I couldn't get my ears and eyes to stop bleeding.

  5. Fuck I stopped after one minute. No more.

  6. Fuck I stopped after one minute. No more.

  7. The music video is fucking horrendous. I listened to the song before watching the video and thought it was at least tolerable but the video took away any (be it little) redeemable qualities the song ever had. No. Just no.

  8. Hilarious. Hello (Basic) Bitches is a comedy masterpiece.

  9. Truly it's everything wrong with western pop and glorifies it.

  10. 1:45 - weirdest shit ever.
    "Ok, now you girls twerk and you CL just... tap their asses"
    "Like this?"
    "A bit harder... Action!"

  11. I don't understand the strong reaction to this I kind of like it

  12. Better then Dr.Pepper, visually good, cl looks hot, the backup dancers are cute their twerking is fine,the choreography is good. the song is ehhh but not horrible. Its a fine song not good or great but fine.

  13. So many crimes against hair. Why does someone hate hair so much?

  14. I've made better choices in homemade sex tapes than this video

  15. I just lost 3:34 minutes of my life that I will never get back thanks to AKF's recommendation.

  16. While CL actually looks pretty good and her weirdly colored hair is on point IMHO everything else is a stinking pile of shit mess

  17. Well, at least it got you clicking the repeat button, unlike the notorious IGAB.

  18. CL looks okay but fuck the dancers looks so ugly

  19. I tried, but I couldn't make it all the way through. Too painful.

  20. This video reminds me to thank Korea for their plastic surgery craze

  21. Would have preferred it if she had stuck with Asian Bitches.

  22. The dancers are Parris Goebel, who is the coreographer too and her Request Crew, they are the best dancers of NZ. If you do not know about dance so why do you talk sh*t.

    1. In this vid, they DEFINITELY outshone AND outdanced CL.

  23. the back-up dancers are so fugly

    1. Reason why the backup dancers have bad hair and makeup is obviously so that CL can be the prettiest ain't it?

      Anyway, I actually am ok with the song, except...
      I have no desire to EVER see 3:03 - 3:11 EVER AGAIN.

  24. But the dancers & choreo are the only decent things out of this mess tho...

  25. mehh..dont get what ppl are so pissy about it & keep bringing up her "ugliness"
    the beat was chill, the dancers are cool/funky, makeup on point.
    it was entertaining, wat else do u want :P


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