Saturday, June 4, 2016

Amanda Chou

AKF here with important investigative journalism here. Amanda Chou, the second female lead in the currently-airing Taiwanese drama "Love at Seventeen," is pretty hot.


  1. Replies
    1. pikachuwei is one lucky dude for getting to live in Taiwan.

    2. Google linked me to a onehallyu thread of a user with that name, but I don't know anybody on OH.
      I was referencing this:
      (important part starts at around 2:10)

    3. pikechuwei has been posting here in the comments for years haha.

    4. I only get to live in Taiwan in the summer hols every year, I grew up in NZ and am going through uni in Australia atm.

      I guess I'm lucky that most of my friends here have still been asian qts.

  2. I always thought that taiwaneese people are ugly as fuck (or trannies) because kpop has thought me that way - Sorn,Manber, Nickhyun, that ugly beast dude... But then godess Tzuyu happened and this chick is pretty hot too and they shone a new light on my perceptions of world

    1. You're mistaking Thai people for Taiwanese tho

    2. You're mistaking Thai people for Taiwanese tho

    3. What Decim said (without the "tho").
      Sorn's Thai and it shows.

    4. honestly speaking, your average chick on the street in Asia is probably uglier than your average white chick on the street (Speaking from experience as someone who's been to Taiwan/HK/China/Japan/half of SEA)

      Taiwanese chicks are meh unless you are walking around affluent private school areas (private school/uni chicks have a reputation for being hot) or if you go to Taipei

      HK/China and Malaysia are full of uggos. Urban Japanese are pretty fashionable (Seoul also has a reputation for everyone being well dressed) but most surprisingly Vietnam has tons of hot girls even though most of them are too poor to dress up well. Guess there's a reason mail order brides always come from there.

    5. Chinese are hot.

    6. "honestly speaking, your average chick on the street in Asia is probably uglier than your average white chick on the street"

      I'll take the average chick looking more "homely" over the average morbidly-obese average fat white chick any day.

    7. well okay since Australia is land of the obese 'average' does usually mean fat.

      But at least in uni there's more of a culture of fitness in the West for women and men so you'll get a lot more athletic girls running (lol) around.

      In Asia most kids are swamped with cram school classes and homework from an early age. There's little time for exercise unless you are on a school sports team and the attitude continues on through uni.

  3. What is the difference?

  4. That's it. I'm gonna pay more attention to Taiwanese hotties from now on.


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