heeeeeeyyyyy caonimas! its time for a positive posht
Kangin |
so pepll keep asking me 'when am i going to do positive pshyt kangin' and the answer is NOW YA CUNTS
Kangin |
fuckin kanging was fuckin FUCK he was drunk and he went for a drive a
nd hit a poll
Kangin Super Jinours |
i dont see what so bad about it its not like he hit a person or anything ahtough he culd have but he didnt man,
Kangin |
actin like hes a murderer must be the most well loved poll in south
korea, he hit a polls in south career and his korea went south
hahahahahahaha but just jokes cos hes me mate
Kangin |
i like you kangin cos australians get drunk and drive all the time so its liklie hes one of us, honourary australian MATE
Kangin |
other day i was doin stuff and a mate sai dhey you like kpop a dn i
said yeh and he said fuck off cunt and i said no u fuck off cyunt, then i
smashhed that cunt for being such a oloser, no i didn't really cos i
love everyone man i just puinched the wall but it hurt like i smashed
him hey, fucking love you kanging
Kanging |
am non violence i love all my readers, i just wanna say kanging i put
my arm around him and go i love you MAAAATE, i love you maaaaaaaaaate
KANGING SUper Juniors |
love you <MMAAAAAATE, you are so beutiful i love all my readers come
to austrlaia i buy you a beer mate fuckn lets get pissed cunt
Kaingin |
in fact i think i had enough to drink now kangin lets go home hey i drive ya in my new
commodore VH its got new mags its fully sick
hey why you looking at me like that kainging, its my car cunt
k anging |
fucin cunt
I didn't understand any of this, but that Raina picture led me to a really great gallery.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I never knew Commodore made a computer called VH! *badum tsch*
oppa didnt mean it
ReplyDeleterip poll coz of deth: drunk kangin lel
ReplyDeleteDeath by memes.
ReplyDeleteWhos de gurl in black? Aftre enjung? Answre me cunt.
DeleteGosh Kangin looks good in that fifth picture.
ReplyDeleteI think I need to see more Australian reviews of Kpop events now.
ReplyDeleteim fucking dead. hahahaha best fucking post ever.
ReplyDeleteWhere is a post about toilet samurai yoochun