Friday, August 22, 2014

AKF EXCLUSIVE: The next idol couple!

We know fangirls love reading this site as a means to release their salty tears, but we also know they love juicy gossip about the next romantic ship to sail. Well fear not, we have an exclusive idol couple reveal, extra-juicy as it involves two hot rookies, backed up with all the evidence most fangirls seem to need!

OTP after the jump.

Red Velvet's Seulgi and Winner's Lee Seung Hoon!

The proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the couple shorts!

Skip to 1:30 for Seung Hoon's part in this video:

Originally we heard some slightly conflicting rumors that it was literally the same pair of shorts, but after a thorough investigation we found that was coming from some Block B fans trying to slut-shame Seung Hoon. The truth is that they are pure innocent idols who have just started to like each other and are getting to know each other through such traditional Korean passtimes as reminiscing about Japan's defeats while reading old newspapers and hiding their affections in plain sight by means that foreigners will never understand.


  1. lol he looks like f(x)'s Amber during RPP promotions.

    1. did you notice the fanny pack and white socks

  2. I for one, am fully supportive of LGBT rights and thus approve of this OTP.

  3. All I want is more of Wendy's tits.

  4. Is that the girl from the Penis Video you made?

    1. People think that all twelve authors are the same. Plus, an AKF reader made the video, not any of the authors.

  5. i feel the manliness fading just seeing him wear the damn shorts, how else for the wearer. the damn white socks!

  6. Here, lemme write the AKP article for the courtesy of AKF readers:

    "[Breaking] Red Velvet's Seulgi and Winner's Lee Seung Hoon dating!

    A recent hot rumor in the K-Pop idol scene is that Red Velvet's Seulgi and Winner's Lee Seung Hoon have been dating for a few months now.

    We reached out to our sources at SM Entertainment and although the company denied the rumors, an employee who wishes to remain anonymous has confirmed that the two have been and are still dating.

    We wish the best for the new idol couple!"

    When it's confirmed tell 'em I broke the news!

  7. Wtf? I've never listened to/gave any kind of a shit about Winner before now, but they are literally Big Bang. Everything about them is EXACTLY like Big Bang, aside from being different people. Now, I get that Kpop thrives on copying itself, but this is ridiculous.

  8. @xxcurestfuxx you shouldn't be this quick to judge a group. ESPECIALLY since you 'never listened to/gave any kind of shit about Winner before now'. Please find out more before commenting so rashly.


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