Sunday, April 3, 2016

POSITIVE post - Shannon Williams

I was actually going to write something different today but I quickly had to stop and catch my breath to praise the new hero of our time Shannon Williams.


How many reasons can I find to love Shannon Williams?  Let me count the ways!


Listen to this great song.

It's like Twice's "Like Ooh-Ahh" if someone actually went through and carefully fixed all the production problems like the overbearing vocals and general screechiness of it all, and then tuned the song's melody and backings up a bit to make them way more awesome.  Except that "Why Why" actually came out BEFORE "Like Ooh-Ahh", which also means that JYP is a dirty plagiarising whore.  Say what you want about MBK but they are always with the great songs.  Well okay, Shannon also had "Daybreak Rain" which was a fucking shit song but that doesn't fit in with my narrative for this post so let's just do a Netizenbuzz and ignore what doesn't fit into my preconceived worldview and move on.



You, whoever you are reading this right now, are not this pretty.  Shannon seems like a nice girl.  Would go for an ice-cream with.


Here's a v-app video of Shannon and friends which is apparently causing some controversy for the Internet's vast population of stupids.

Shannon could have guessed that Dani's sheep noise at 39:20 was her imitating a spasticated retarded drooling shambling fuck but instead she said "special needs" which is the modern politically correct way to refer to someone with a severe mental disability.  The rules on this keep changing all the time.  "Spastic" is actually correct terminology (and is still in official use where I live), as is "retarded" (also still in official use) and now "special needs" is the latest official rubber-stamped correct jargon but every time someone uses these words in a negative context, dumb people get all offended and say "you can't use that word", instead of saying what they really should be saying which is "don't use that word to insult people".  So as a result, people get offended by the WORD instead of getting offended by the CONTEXT, and in response the people who look after spastics keep inventing new nice friendly terms to try and fix the problem ("disabled", "handicapped", etc etc), but as soon as people start using each new term in an insulting context (i.e a week later) then those people decide "oh wait we can't use that word now, we need another word" which doesn't change a damn thing.  It's obviously the context that's the issue, not the word itself.  You can make any word you want an insult against retarded people just by using it in an insulting way.  So what's Shannon's context?  Shannon wasn't insulting anyone - Dani just made a spasticated retarded fucking bitch noise so Shannon quite reasonably guessed maybe that was what she was emulating, and said so in the politest way possible in 2016, out of thoughtfulness to not offend.



Even when she's dressed in her grandmother's knitwear and making a silly scrunched-up face Shannon is still way more attractive than you.  This should be acknowledged.


In the same video Shannon says "that's so gay" (at about 11:50) when someone does a heart sign.  That's because being gay is all about love and Shannon loves gays so it's natural that she would associate such a loving gesture as a heart sign with her fondness for gays.  It's also a promising indicator that she could soon replace Seth Putnam as the new singer and lyricist for grindcore group and trolling pioneers Anal Cunt, which nets her huge amounts of Kpopalypse points.  Anal Cunt's next single - "Heart Signs Are Gay".



You will never be this attractive, and there's nothing you can do about it.  Unless you're my girlfriend, but I doubt she would have the patience to even scroll down this far in one of my bullshit k-pop posts so she's probably not reading.  My girlfriend > Shannon Williams >>>>>>>>>>> || >>>>>>>>>> rest of humanity.  Deal with it.


Shannon loves black culture so she listens to black music, just like all of us.  In the video mentioned above she sings along to a Beyonce song which shows that she has terrible music taste and it's just as well that other people write her songs for her.  I can't hate on a girl for liking shit music though or I'd have to hate 99% of girls ever.  Anyway at 7:30 she sings "mix that negro with that creole", because... well, that's what's in Beyonce's version.  What is she supposed to do - not sing that bit?  It's not like she just joined the KKK (although that would be awesome just for the reaction and I hope someone in k-pop does - I'm tipping SNSD's Seohyun, just because), she's just innocently singing a song and it's your racial prejudices which are turning it into a bad thing, not hers.  Even veteran black hip-hoppers who grew up in more racially-charged times believe that it's ludicrous to ask fans of other races to not sing along to their songs just because of the language in them and that context is important.  Just as well Shannon's music taste is shit and she wasn't singing along to something decent like NWA, can you imagine?

Oh and omonatheydidnt in a glorious bit of confirmation-bias fuelled editorialisation says that in the same video she is "extremely bossy and over the top" and "keeps putting on a fake offensive accent thought to be cool" - yeah she's talking like a Kardashian in some parts of the video.  That's YOUR fault Americans, for spreading that particular cancer.  Now you've got the whole rest of the world's teenage girls emulating her and doing that crap.  Thanks, cunts.



Here's another picture of Shannon Williams being more attractive than you, which isn't hard to achieve, you ugly gay special needs fuck.



Wow something positive written about poor Kim Dani for once, a lovely girl who has been there and done that when it comes to being cyberbullied by the Internet's worthless trashbags.  Shannon, know you can count on Dani for support, she has valuable experience in the area of ignoring oxygen-wasting netizen scum and can probably teach you a lot!


Here's Shannon dancing and singing.  Isn't she pretty?  Yes, this appears to be an objective fact.



Vernon is "just a friend" and DK is "ew, gross" (at about 51:00).  Talk about keeping it real.  Shannon the realest.  I wouldn't bang any of these dudes either, even if I was a heart-sign-making gay guy who would bang guys generally.  Most k-pop artists struggle to be this honest, lest their handlers scream blue murder and cancel their schedules.



Just another image of Shannon being pretty while you are ugly, nothing unusual at all, feel free to keep scrolling down.


I can't find it in the video but apparently Shannon drops a spoiler in there somewhere about the crap new Batman vs Superman film, and good because superhero films suck and are for man-children who believe in the MRA movement and have a mental age of 6, so she just saved a bunch of people money that they could have wasted seeing that bullshit.



Roses are red
Violets are blue
Shannon is more
Attractive than you



This is important.  Good work Shannon.  We both know that you are in the right.  I'm sure that entitled spoiled-brat my-emotional-needs-first everything-is-my-business international k-pop fans will keep cyberbullying you and sending death threats until they finally force MBK to make you do an ISIS-style apology video, but for now, fuck 'em.  Hopefully MBK is culturally unaware enough to even notice that people are pissed off and you can just keep on being you, that'd be cool.

UPDATE: she did actually apologise, and in super-quick time, too.  Oh well, it was fun watching entitled morons bitch and moan about her while it lasted.



Shannon is not only pretty but here is showing correct horizontal stripes usage and even pulls off duckface without looking disgusting which as far as I'm concerned is like some kind of magic trick.

Oh and hey Shannon your English skills are pretty fucking good, plus you reckon you have a "dry sense of humour" so I think that you and this blog would be a perfect match.  How would you like to do an interview?  I'll expect your response fondly!



  1. #StanShannon2016

    I saw this shit blowing up on my timeline and I can't believe people are overreacting to this.

    Wait, yes I can, because of the culture we live in now. Everyone is offended by everything these days.

    1. I wish she didn't apologize

    2. Yeah it's getting fucking ridiculous. I didn't even believe those safe zones were even real until a few people who went to college told me it was true.

      These faggots are even making the Army more politically correct it's fucking stupid.

    3. at this rate shits getting so PC that I might as well just drop off the earth in a few years before my very existence starts triggering someone somewhere

      like that is how sick I am of it. I used to immerse myself and revel in that disgusting crap when I was still a tumblrtard & now all I want to do is reclaim all my wasted time from that era and pray to nothing that people stop taking so much offense to everything

  2. She's adequately lewd on stage and with her outfits from what little I've seen, so she's ok in my book.
    But the song's boring.

  3. That poem really hit home. *cries*

  4. Where have I been all this time? She's fucking gorgeous indeed. Thanks salty dumb fucks on the internet. Without you guys Kpopalypse oppar wouldn't write positive post about Shanon and I would never notice her.

  5. She looks like a less altered-Boram. I liked her song "Why Why" but other than that I don't really care about her. If people are really taking offense to this, then they should at least try to educate her rather than ruthlessly bash her which will get nothing accomplished.

  6. She's seventeen. Everyone's completely forgetting just how mind numbingly stupid some seventeen year olds can be. They may be closer to the cusp of adulthood, but that doesn't make em any less teenager. I would gladly slap my seventeen year old self for all the stupid shit i said and did at that age.

    Not to mention, she did apologize (again), hopefully that at least calls off the morons sending her suicide baits and death threats.

    1. the amount of stupid shit I heard every day of high school was amazing, what makes people think that other singers like Shannon aren't saying the stupidest shit too?

    2. apparently celebrities aren't allowed to act like jerky humans nor have lives nor make jokes because it's their "job" to uphold their careers. the problem is its becoming fuckingg harder and harder to uphold people's standards of what is "correct" or not as people get progressively more and more offended at the slightest word.

      like earlier this week someone in the comments section of this very site was griping about the usage of the word "gay" being used in an article? does or did high school even real for these people, or are they so deluded that they don't even pay attention to the kind of shit their classmates spout? I went to the tiniest campus for the latter part of high school, it was a charter with 150 ppl at most over 4 overlapping years and 4 classrooms, it was almost impossible not to hear that, so why is two or three stupid kids saying "gay" or a variant of the n word, in a song lyric no less, any different than a kid celebrity whos around the same age saying the same shit? Celebrities aren't gods or goddesses to be worshipped, they have vices and are carless with their words just as anyone else can be. I hate living in this world where no one is allowed to make mistakes anymore without being socially slaughtered for it, even when I was on tumblr's PC cesspit of a site I was constantly losing "friends" for stating an opinion that fucking differed from someone else's, best case scenario, and worst case scenario having people send me threats of death, insults about my appearance or other things, telling me to kill myself?? Shannon is seventeen, she is far from an established person, she is still figuring things out for herself. is her behavior on the stream really so out of place, and is it SOOO fucking bad that it is somehow deserving of people sending her those kinds of threats? moreover don't people have better things to do with their lives than waste it sending hate comments to a relatively little known kceleb (I enjoyed her mini tho, girl needs some more exposure, she is a qt and she can sing)? really?

      Two years ago I was admittedly at times tactless with my own words, at that same age, and I guilted myself over it because everyone told me to, but learned from my mistakes eventually, and moved on. Unfortunately, it lingered, a lot of people refused to stop seeing me as that seventeen year old. I feel in a sense for Shannon personally.

    3. Adults say stupid stuff all the time. And she wasn't even that bad, just talking like a teenager.

    4. exactly. also "how dare teenagers be teenagers?", cries the audience of mostly teenagers who probably say the same shit

  7. when hysf did this kind of post, the comments section usually turned into a warzone

    1. It's because of author bias. It's okay for people like Kpopalypse and me to write articles like this, but when HYSF does it, people lose their shit.

      We both find that hilarious, which is why HYSF tends to focus on articles like that.

  8. i want to know who this J kid is and where I can see more of him.

    1. I thought he was that guy from day6, but they have differently spelled names and that the day6 guy is under JYP and not mbk

  9. Kpopalypse reaching hard for that Shannon interview.

  10. ok so you like what people hate and hate what people like. just a bitch ass hipster lol

    1. Not true - with the exception of a tiny minority of man-children everybody hates the new Batman vs Superman film.

  11. Yeah, but isn't she like 15 or something.

  12. this bitch is an ignorant and basic looking hoe who's only famous because koreans can't stop fapping to white people..

    1. I am just going to say this once: SHE IS FUCKING TALENTED AND IS HALF KOREAN, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. Stop erasing her fucking heritage.

      You deserve no internet connection.

  13. It's kind of cute how quickly she dismisses the possibility of DK.

  14. She's legit more attractive than 99.99999% of both Korean idols AND actresses (both real and plastic - though of course mostly plastic). Though it could just be me having a soft spot for people of mixed ethnicity, I always think they crap on everyone else looks-wise. Also, I have no idea what is she doing promoting in Korea and having to subject herself to all the restrictive ways of Korean culture as well as to the inane stupidity of K-netizens.


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