Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Jiyeon Trolls(?) -- No, Korean Netizens are just Fucking Retarded

In the continuing saga of Netizen Buzz trying to make it look like every Korean netizen is mentally retarded and hates T-ara for the sake of click baiting, this article was posted.

While Netizen Buzz does not try to portray itself as a news site, (and for good reason, because if any retard thinks the opinions of any random fucking Korean netizen constitutes as news, then you have a problem), the inherent bias of portraying T-ara in a negative light does not look good. Yes, negative comments are more enjoyable to translate when you know your site will get more clicks, but translating the same shit over and over while ignoring any comments that show Hwayoung in a bad light and T-ara in a positive light shows the bias against T-ara. If there was more balanced coverage on NB regarding T-ara, no one would really have a problem, but the other side is routinely ignored. For example, here and here.

Reading this new article about Jiyeon, the title and lack of a summary, which is usually provided, makes it sound like Jiyeon said something terribly offensive considering the reactions from the Korean netizens. However, in the original article, the line that has Korean netizens riled up is: 

지연은 “고 최진실 선배님의 눈물 연기를 본 후 배우의 길을 걷고자 결심했다”고 전하며 ...[omitted unrelated content]

Jiyeon conveyed "I resolved myself to walk down the path of an actor after seeing the tearful acting of the deceased Choi Jin Shil."


I don't see how this is offensive in the least bit. At this point, I'm giving NB the benefit of the doubt that she just prefers translating the negative articles and the title of this Jiyeon article was in regards to the netizen comments instead of having another article used for click baiting and trying to rile up international netizens so that they act as stupidly as Korean netizens do. 

(And no, we're not trying to start any shit. This is simply some common observations from a couple of us here at AKF in regards to the type of T-ara articles that get posted onto NB. She can post whatever she wants, I honestly don't care, but as a topic to write about, I felt this was warranted.)


  1. Netizen Buzz makes me emo so I try to stay away from it unless it's something important.

    I don't see what Jiyeon said was so disrespectful, if anything it's as if she's praying Choi Jin Shil. Netizens just need to enjoy her perfect debut and relax for once.

    1. it's such a great song and jiyeon seems to have so many great artists working for her, but she's just not enough of a musician to really do it justice, it makes me a bit sad.
      she looks gorgeous though so that's something i guess

    2. If she stays solo I won't have a problem with it.

  2. kpopalypse should interview nb next and ask her if her boyfriend dumped her to become a t-ara sasaeng or something. cuz the hate is too real.

    1. If she's down for it so am I, but I don't like the chances of her agreeing to it.

  3. nb comment section rubbing off on nb

  4. Negative responses generate more page hits on NB. She used to do positive dumps but those weren't popular

  5. Netizenbuzz claims she doesn't want negative comments also, lol.

  6. Dat ass. . .

    Korean netizens are made up of overweight, greasy faced, sexually frustrated pre-teen girls who look for any excuse to hate on a pretty girl.

    1. And conservative grass eater with akb48 stashes to hide the facy it is easier to make kpop like akb48 than going to japan to get sganked

  7. JiYeon es una gran persona así que no se metan con ella ¬¬
    Mi Bebé <3 uwú

  8. Not to play devil's advocate but maybe there's a majority of hate to T-ARA and so only that side gets popular post and then there are the articles that get translated. It's know to everyone that many k-netizens hate some celebrities whatever they do or say. It can't be just few random people because they have a lot of upvotes and I don't think people upvotes everything they read. So, yes, the coverage is inherently biased except in the case that both positions have the same popularity of opinion.

    In the other hand, it would be good to NB to post positive stuff some days, just to ease the hate.

    1. Now see I was about to write the same thing... NB is mostly unbiased to most things in the K-Pop world anyway, I think it's uncharacteristic of her to pick a side (for pageviews or otherwise) and only post articles with a negative connotation towards T-ara.

      I mean think abut it, no matter what T-ara does, Korean Netizens are destined to hate their every move, how the heck are you gonna find any outstanding pieces of positivity in that?

      Finally it would be hard for NB to find positive articles if the idea of Korean Journalism regarding celebrities (or instances that I've seen of it anyway) is to attempt to dig up everything bad about a celebrity and garner hate for them.

      (Although she did have a positive article on Zico performing a rap tribute for that fan of his that died in Sewol).

    2. It's not about NB posting positive stuff. It's about T-ara related articles that have more mixed comments (not even positive - just mixed opinion and articles that would be highly relevant to NB topics AND that she was alerted to by readers) being deliberately ignored.


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