Sunday, May 4, 2014

[MV Review] Crayon Pop - Uh-ee

Crayon Pop returned with "Uh-ee" and the only thing that pops up in my mind is "Uh." This is far from Crayon Pop's best release, but it's enough to satiate the die hard fans.

What makes Crayon Pop stand out is that they don't take themselves seriously while putting out catchy tunes. This allows the group to do bizarre concepts that "serious" K-Pop fans love to hate on. Crayon Pop is stan-worthy on the criteria alone. Crayon Pop reminds me of T-ara when T-ara is doing their upbeat, light-hearted songs instead of their dark songs accompanied by a 2 hour music video.

However, "Uh-ee" does nothing for me. The song was hyped, but the end result is akin to finding a Japanese porno to watch because you see a couple of hot chicks in the video preview just to find out that it's censored. "Uh-ee" is a throwback to the trot genre and succumbs to trot's major weakness: the whole song sounds the same. The chorus isn't differentiated enough from the verses and there isn't much of a bridge in the song. In many pop songs, you can point to whatever caught your ear, but it's hard to do that in "Uh-ee" since it's three minutes of the same thing.

The concept was a letdown along with the song. I normally enjoy seeing what Crayon Pop attempts to pull off, but this concept was a flounder. Again, they pulled it off in their previous songs and music videos, but it felt flat here.

While most Crayon Pop fans will tell you this is the greatest thing of 2014, I advise you to go back and listen to "Bing Bing" and "Dancing Queen" and hope Crayon Pop returns with a better song later this year.


  1. Wow, I agree with 100% with what you said…
    I thought it was okay, but a bit lackluster from their other releases. Not bad though, but not amazing.

  2. I really like this song and dance. The video is such a letdown, though. Why have the intro if the rest of the song is just the group dancing. The video for "Mr Chu" is lame enough, but at least it had SOME meat to it.

    Kpop rage rising ...

  3. honestly I feel like the worst part of this song was the dancing
    Bar Bar Bar had fun and simple so easily memorable dance which anyone can imitate after watching mv once
    but this time... The dance is too complicated. I feel like they wanted to pull SHINee. At least CP is not as bad as SHINee which after perfomance always look like they're dying. CP at least have fun performing

    1. Whut, this is nowhere near shinee dance, plus I think the dance parts are pretty simple, they are just a bit sped up.

    2. yeah. Uh-ee choreo is swaggy funny, but definitely not even close to the awesomeness of BingBing (clean, fast, subtle but quite good popping).

  4. I LOVE the song, since I'm a big modernized-trot fag. Also yes, T-ara upbeat songs and CP's are similar in a way, they are pretty awesome.

    The only let down would be the MV I'd say, I mean sure I enjoyed the whole thing but I was quite disappointed when the MV ended just like that.

  5. At least they're not wearing those helmets! :D

    The song sometimes remind me of T-ara's Bingeul Bingeul (which was a remake of an older song as well, no?), which ain't a bad thing.
    Also the song didn't bore me, which is always a nice bonus with Crayon Pop.

  6. "it's enough to satiate the die hard fans" - I know a lot of C.P. fans were very disappointed, me included.

    I think it's shit, just a Vengaboys song.

  7. loved the song and bought the album. hope i can get them to sign it one day.

  8. there's just too much pressure on them to be the odd one out now

  9. I still don't think they've topped their 2012 tracks. The last song I liked was Lonely Christmas, which was great, but conceptually it wasn't more than Bar Bar Bar's Christmas-themed cousin. There was a reason you acknowledged their debut in the midst of the 2012 rookie deluge, and Uh-ee strays from the freshness of Bing Bing that make it so timeless and addictive. It seems like they're just experimenting with different music styles, which most groups do at some point.

    1. the live performances of bing bing breathe life into my life

    2. I'll never get why everyone likes bing bing so much, I mean ok it's good but I prefer Saturday night all day

  10. I didn't like it
    And Bing bing still their best song by far


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