Just when you thought it would end, the motherfuckin' saga continues.
"Not this shit again."
7. [+62, -7] The lolita controversy was based off of her '23' music video, not this one... People brought up 'You & I' but most of that seemed forced. So is there a clarification for '23'?
11. [+33, -9] I agree with one of the comments here. If she really had nothing dirty about her and none of her scandals had any merit, would she have fallen as deeply as she has now? From Eunhyuk's scandal to lolita to Britney Spears, it's all just been piling and piling up... so how are you fans going to clarify her scene where she spills the milk then? Sigh, I feel so bad for you guys... IU's fans are impossible to communicate with.
12. [+23, -5] There were a lot of misunderstandings with this scandal but the point of the scandal was the lyrics to 'Zeze', which a clarification still hasn't been given for. Don't try to distract from the main point with posts like this.
IU gave a clarification. Scratch that, two clarifications. The director of the "23" music video gave a clarification. Hell, even the very publishing company that criticized IU apologized after the clarifications. (The apologies count as clarifications because she clarifies within the apologies.)
I don't know what more these netizens could want. They were dumb enough to misunderstand the context of the music video and were so pissed off that IU insulted their own (lack of) intelligence demanding this and that. She gave them what they wanted. Her director gave them what they wanted, yet they're still acting like she hasn't done shit since this whole "scandal" happened.
You know what this whole thing has me scared of? The increasing amount of political correctives that people all of a sudden care about. It seems that if something is in existence it will offend someone just by existing, and the big reason why is because being offended is the easiest way to get attention now a days.
I mean, think about it. Think about how many (really fucking stupid) "twitter wars" have started in K-pop fandoms alone just because someone took very specific screen-shots of a tweet or something on the internet and then spread it around claiming about how offensive it is, without even looking into the context of where it came from.
Via InfinitelySY's ask.fm:
What I'm about to say is an oxymoron, but these people who are pretending to be offended by an issue, are in a sense, being offensive themselves. Why? Because not only are they corrupting an issue that is very serious and needs a lot of attention, but they probably don't care about it in the first place, and are trying to gain internet fame by pretending to care.
Take the "Zeze" issue. When taken out of context like it was, it looks IU was playing with the idea of pedophilia and child abuse, however anybody that actually paid any attention to what she was actually trying to do with "23", "Zeze", and her whole album in general was speak against those issues. However that can't even be looked at with her original intent any more by most because some dumbasses on the internet of all places couldn't understand the basis of a fucking satire and people actually gave them attention, and even worse, believed them.
I don't even know whose worse here: the people that started this mess or the bandwagoners. Whenever Donald Trump *shudders* appears on the news or television in general my mom always says "He's not the scary one. All of his supporters rallying behind him are the scary ones because they're out there making this ideology into a reality." The people who made all this shit up are of course dangerous, however the bandwagoners are the ones who give them attention and spread all of the lies and misguided non-evidence around.
When it comes to issues like this, you cannot just take everything you see someone on social post about as 100% accurate information. Can you think about how shitty this planet would be if we only had YouTube comments as our only source of information? Pretty damn shitty if you ask me. In order to fully make a conscious opinion on a subject you have to be well versed on the context, especially in something like music where everything is pretty much up to interpretation and speculation. Can you simply interpret IU as supporting pedophilia? Yeah, but that doesn't make you right. Especially when you demand she prove you wrong and she and others involved have released clarifications explaining their intentions with their work proving you to be wrong.
You know what this whole thing has me scared of? The increasing amount of political correctives that people all of a sudden care about. It seems that if something is in existence it will offend someone just by existing, and the big reason why is because being offended is the easiest way to get attention now a days.

I mean, think about it. Think about how many (really fucking stupid) "twitter wars" have started in K-pop fandoms alone just because someone took very specific screen-shots of a tweet or something on the internet and then spread it around claiming about how offensive it is, without even looking into the context of where it came from.
Via InfinitelySY's ask.fm:
What I'm about to say is an oxymoron, but these people who are pretending to be offended by an issue, are in a sense, being offensive themselves. Why? Because not only are they corrupting an issue that is very serious and needs a lot of attention, but they probably don't care about it in the first place, and are trying to gain internet fame by pretending to care.
Take the "Zeze" issue. When taken out of context like it was, it looks IU was playing with the idea of pedophilia and child abuse, however anybody that actually paid any attention to what she was actually trying to do with "23", "Zeze", and her whole album in general was speak against those issues. However that can't even be looked at with her original intent any more by most because some dumbasses on the internet of all places couldn't understand the basis of a fucking satire and people actually gave them attention, and even worse, believed them.
I don't even know whose worse here: the people that started this mess or the bandwagoners. Whenever Donald Trump *shudders* appears on the news or television in general my mom always says "He's not the scary one. All of his supporters rallying behind him are the scary ones because they're out there making this ideology into a reality." The people who made all this shit up are of course dangerous, however the bandwagoners are the ones who give them attention and spread all of the lies and misguided non-evidence around.
When it comes to issues like this, you cannot just take everything you see someone on social post about as 100% accurate information. Can you think about how shitty this planet would be if we only had YouTube comments as our only source of information? Pretty damn shitty if you ask me. In order to fully make a conscious opinion on a subject you have to be well versed on the context, especially in something like music where everything is pretty much up to interpretation and speculation. Can you simply interpret IU as supporting pedophilia? Yeah, but that doesn't make you right. Especially when you demand she prove you wrong and she and others involved have released clarifications explaining their intentions with their work proving you to be wrong.
IU's really HOT AS F$#@
ReplyDeleteNo need for the censoring.
DeleteBut yeah, I'd shove my tongue up IU's tight asshole.
She is gorgeous. I find her especially breathtaking during the "Modern Times" era.
DeleteEverything about the "Modern Times" era was perfect.
DeleteWith the current direction of her song genre, I couldn't care less about her now really. All I can do now is pray that she will go back to her red shoes style and not those boring fucking jazz blues whatever you call it
ReplyDeleteI want her to continue her sound from "Modern Times" on her fourth album.
Delete*for her fourth album.
DeleteNetizens being vicious and stupid, as usual.
ReplyDeleteIt's like they have no other hobbies.
Delete"IU's fans are impossible to communicate with." - Fully agreed.
ReplyDeleteBut who gives a shit about pop lyrics? Fucking retards.
Her anti's are twice as hard to burn through as her actual fans in my experience. During this whole "issue" I legitimately think I might have gotten dumber from some of the shit I've read from her antis. But then again, anti fans have always been just as much if not way more stupid than delusional fans, which is pretty extreme considering how insane IU fans can get.
DeletePeople being stupid on the internet is sadly a well documented issue http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/greater-internet-fuckwad-theory. If you can't fap to IU, the internet is big enough to be able to fap to something else. Why can't we all just fap happily? Possibly because fapping is a religious experience, and people need to impose their fap gods over other people. There are non hostile fap religions like Yeseulogy (http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/2015/02/han-ye-seul-models-for-elle.html), Rainaism (http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/2014/03/rainaism-join-new-religion-of-k-pop-and.html) or Puffism (http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.com/2014/04/puff-and-heechuls-wedding-photo-shoot.html) among many others, but some monotheistic cunts just want to watch the world burn. Hence, we have fap crusades.
ReplyDeleteHistory just refaps itself, and we can't seem to learn anything from it.
Because I need to tell others how bad their fap material is! This is the internet, I have every right to! They need to know!
DeleteSo your basically involved with the Conservative Christian version of fapligion?
DeleteI'd be willing to pay money that 90% of the netizens bitching about this couldn't care less about pedophilia or child abuse or whatever. They want a reason to hate IU and they're clinging on to whatever they can get, regardless of how legit it is. "If she really had nothing dirty about her and none of her scandals had any merit, would she have fallen as deeply as she has now?"-She's fallen this deeply because obsessive fucks refuse to stop dragging her down, no matter what she does. But sure, Iuenas are the ones that are impossible to communicate with
ReplyDeleteIf I could upvote this comment I would 1000 times.
DeleteSometimes Knetz seriously remind me of the sjw types plaguing tumblr. They hitch onto whatever drama they can to try and fulfill their sad and uneventful lives, and follow each other like lemmings to gang up on celebs or join the bandwagon on the latest issue. It's just. Eugh.
ReplyDelete^This so much. This is why I only follow k-pop blogs that post pics of idols on tumblr. Some of the people on there are just too much.
DeleteLet's see, I've had around six tumblr blogs now, and pretty much all of them I've either deactivated on my own or been chased off of due to my unwillingness to participate in the lemming mentality. The unfortunate thing is that the site itself actually does host some great editors and content, yet the "social justice" rhetoric has become so damn widespread and insufferable that i can't manage to stay on there without somehow running into the toxicity. Even when I had a roleplay blog, of all things, it would somehow seep onto there.
DeleteI used to be a part of their little movement. It ended up being a major mental detriment to me. That's the main reason why I hate it so much, from personal experience, I've learned that participating in that shit too long is actually harmful to your health, no joke.
D L, they are soulless zombies that want to turn you into one of them. Stay strong.
DeleteI'm more worried about the people I've watched succumb to the movement at this point, hahhaaa. One of my friends and I actually discuss what brought a lot of our former online relations (wharever you want to call them), to join such "movements". It's almost tragically funny at this point- that these individuals have such a need for inclusion that they'll go to any extent. It's depressing. All the same, it's sad that I've lost many of the people I've met who were seemingly stronger to the hate culture (one in particular was someone who I was very fond of, and to this day I wish I could coax her out of it), but all the same, I applaud myself for not going back to it. I'd rather be considered solitary, lame, and alone, than be masking my misery with the shit they do there. I'm proud that I could succeefully screw those bitches over and to this day tell them off when I get chances to. In some ways, in many ways, I'm a mess mentally, but that doesn't mean I'm going back to a movement whose endgoal is essentially to squash everyone underfoot, especially to try and feed my own worth or to get others to hold me in higher esteem. I'm better than that.
DeleteD L, the whole thing is depressing. Its also hysterical in how these people think they are open minded and if you say true things they don't like then you are ignorant. Crazy.
DeleteJa D- they essentially have the same general idea as the people they claim to abhor on the other side of sociopolitical extremism- basically the horseshoe theory in action. One side may preach political "incorrectness", and the other political "correctness", but they essentially have the same idea in mind- to silence anyone who opposes them with passive aggressive statements and threats, whatever will shut the people they call their "oppressors" up. Either way, their whole point is to undermine groups to bolster themsleves and their views.
DeleteAt this point I don't know why I'm still trying to talk people out of it, perhaps it's my trying to appeal to the sense of decency that I swear some of them may have left- but it's pretty much impossible to help those who do not want to be helped. They have to learn themslves in the end what wallowing in the hatred and pessimism will do.
D L, in my experience some of these people have shreds of decency left when on their own. Problem being that they are very susceptible to peer pressure when around a number of sjws. I do agree with you that some people are beyond hope.
DeleteJ D- unfortunately, the notable friend I lost to it is unconvinced by anything I try to offer to her. Every time I try contacting her on her own she gets mad at me. We have strains for other reasons-she's always whined about how I pique her "social anxiety" with my own slew of mental issue, so no matter what I do I can't get through to her. She thinks I'm a mess that needs saving due to the fact that I had my breakdowns a couple years ago, but I'm more concerned for her than anything these days, she used to be kind of my crutch for my venting and rambling back in the day, so I feel I owe her a lot.
DeleteI wish it were easy to say that having lost freinds to this hasn't hurt me, but it has. That's part of the reason I desperately want to fight it and stop the spread, the other being my personal affliction, and obviously, the harmful effects. I've accepted that I can't, but all the same, standing by, watching the mess grow, I can't help but feel a sense of guilt. As much as this is not my fault.
D L, I am sorry to hear that.
DeleteI've been visiting this site for a little over a year now, and I have to say I really appreciate the fact that this seems to be the only kpop-focused site I've frequented that has any semblance of logic towards the entire IU scandal. Every fucking single other site like omona or soompi or anything is just blind, frothing stupidity. It's just refreshing to see a different point of view that isn't mindlessly trying to demonize her. It's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteThose were my first thoughts when I started coming here too (I started reading AKF around her "Red Shoes" scandal.) So that means a lot. And heard AllKpop and Omona were treacherous I don't read AllKpop and rarely go on omona but if it was anything like Netizenbuzz then I can only imagine.
Deleteomona in general definitely has their share of witch hunting sjws that I've seen. at least, when the situation calls for it. I ran into some comment thread regarding "cultural appropriation" on an article that I don't think initially had anything whatsoever to do with it.
DeleteThis scandal (as well as the Red Shoes one) only occurred because there is literally no dirt in IU. She's can sing, act, compose her own music, is incredibly intelligent, has allegedly had no surgery whatsoever and is adored by the country.
ReplyDeleteSomething like that terrifies pathetic k-netizens who are worried she'll steal all the oppars, so they're forced to make up their own half-assed scandal which no intelligent person could ever believe in a desperate attempt to soil her pristine image.
Fortunately for them, most people will agree with them because they're equally terrified of not fitting in with other netizens.
In addition, it allows them to feel oppressed, which is basically Nirvana to netizens.
You'd think it would be way more logical to look up to IU given all the good things she got behind her, but then again, when have netizens ever looked at anything with logic that didn't flow their fucked up views?
DeleteAlso, don't bring Nirvana into this!
1 IU is hot.
ReplyDelete2 SJW's can fuck off and die.
3 Happy new year.
Thank you! Happy new years to you too :3
DeleteJa D
DeleteAmen! Aum Ha! So Mote It Be!