Twice continues on their roll of success with "TT", which is their best effort yet.
I've always liked Twice, "Like Ohh Ahh" was a good debut that I still replay now and "Churro" is still as addictive as it was when I first listened to it. However "TT" takes their formula and improves upon it tremendously.

Speaking of tremendous things...
"TT" is similar to "Like Ohh Ahh" and "Churro" in the sense that it has the members switch between lines quickly that creates diversity in the verses, however instead of it coming off jarring the members are able to mix together more smoothly and that's all thanks to "TT"'s awesome instrumental. It takes the current house trend with a thumping beat but instead of adding more Western elements to it like SM or YG it inserts more K-pop elements with the usage of synthesizer and having a chorus that speeds things along instead of slowing them down. (No shade to SM, I actually like most of their house stuff.) Another thing that works to "TT"'s advantage is that there is no rapping. Dahyun and Chaeyoung are instead given singing lines and their raps aren't just inserted into the song, thus making the song flow much easier. The overall product is a song that's had me replaying it since it came out (as of writing this it's been six hours since the song came out.)

Elsa who???
The music video is another home run for Twice. What I've always liked about Twice's videos is that they show off their awesome visuals while still being entertaining to people in a general sense. Their music videos are like concepts within a concept. With "Like Ohh Ahh" it was various characters in a zombie apocalyptic horror film. In "Churro" it was various characters from different movies/TV shows. This time it's following a Halloween costume concept within a haunted house theme. All the members look stunning here, but my favorites in terms of glamour have to be Jihyo (who's ridiculously sexy) and Tzuyu (can't tell if she's supposed to be Morticia Addams or just a vampire but either way she looks amazing.) Also, Dahyun because her parts in the music video are fucking hilarious, and Nayeon because Nayeon as the devil came out very adorable.
Fun fact - I was a pirate for Halloween last year, so of course Mina gets a shout out due to pure representation and also because she really rocks the costume.

Keep on representin'
I only have two complaints about the MV, one is that Sana's costume could have been waaaayyy better. I mean come on, she's freaking Catwoman! They could have given her an AOA throwaway outfit from their "Like a Cat" promotions and it would have looked better than the clunky leather they put her in. Second, I don't really see the point of the kids? I mean they're cute and all but they don't really add anything to the video.
In the end this was a great comeback for Twice, and this should solidify there spot as the current generations no.1 girl group. JYP's probably doing the running man all the way to the bank as we speak.

Get it Dahyun.
Momo is sexy as always especially that wink at the beginning. She's my TWICE bias easily. I hope she gets more spotlight this time around.
ReplyDeleteThat wink with her "Nico Nico Niii" pose was adorable.
DeletePirate Mina can plunder my booty anytime... Tzuyu brings godly visuals as usual. I agree that Sana (and Momo tbh) were shafted on the costume front.
ReplyDeleteI pretty much agree with you on the song itself, one of my biggest gripes with K-pop is 'insert forced awkward rap break for da rapperz' in every single fucking song so whenever one comes along with just singing it gets automatic +2/10 boost for me.
Also at the end when the door is knocking and that instrumental starts playing for a moment I thought Rainism by Rain was going to drop
If that would had happened I'm not sure how JYP would have explained it lol
DeleteNot single bad looking member in this MV.
ReplyDeleteBut I really don't like Tzuyu's extreme contacts, even if it's fitting the theme.
I don't like contacts in general with k-pop, they rarely look not cheap and obvious.
DeleteDark brown contacts on Asian people are ok, sometimes even good.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThey're basically cosplay queens now
ReplyDeleteAs for the kids, they wander into a spooky house and pictures start coming alive & weird stuff happens. Then they're a nice bridge to whatever the next MV is, like between Oh!/Run Devil Run. They serve the purpose fine
I get that, I guess it just wasn't executed as good as it could have. It just comes off as random.
DeleteI think this song is like a reverse of 'Like Ooh-Aah', it's got some decent verses, but a flat pre-chorus and underwhelming chorus. 'Like Ooh-Aah' has pretty shit verses, but picks up in the pre-chorus and has got a decent chorus.
ReplyDeleteThis song is just okay at best, 'Like Ooh-Aah' is imo definitely way better. Speaking of songs that has some shit parts, I think Laboum's 'Shooting Love' is probably the best one in the category. It has got some extremely crap verses and rap breaks, but the chorus is fucking great that it could carry the song for me. Everything about Twice's title tracks has always been in the middle.
I certainly don't know the 'awesome instrumental' that you are referring to. I certainly don't hate the group but they need to have a better song, maybe borrow the songwriter of the actual no. 1 girl group that is GodFriend.
If Twice started sounding like GFriend or vice versa that would completely take away the purpose of either group.
DeleteAfter listening to this for a while, I still find the song a bit dull but it's good enough to continue their rise to the top.
ReplyDeleteYeah, this pretty much cements their position.
DeleteI wonder if Dahyun is the most pissed off about the video. I mean everyone got their pretty costumes and all and she got the fricking rabbit.
ReplyDeleteDahyun stood out which is a good thing. The member that needs to be pissed is Sana.
DeleteSana is cosplaying Hit girl from Kick Ass, so it is not THAT bad
DeleteSana probably doesn't know who is Hit girl the same way she didn't know Harley Quin
DeleteI've heard Catwoman, Hit Girl, and some chick from Resident Evil. Idek at this point.
DeleteIf anyone should be pissed it's Momo.
DeleteI'm one of those who felt the song itself wasn't that great, didn't grab me immediately like the previous two did. But I've been giving it a few listens today on my headphones and it's growing on me a lot. Tbh I think the MV itself is such a tour de force of cosplay cutiepieness that it kinda distracts from the song itself
ReplyDeleteGuess it depends on how attractive you find Twice lol
DeleteI can see the instrumental being used in Neon Demon.
ReplyDeleteNo dance vreakdown?
I'm just not feeling this yet. The concept is seasonal, the outfits mostly suck. I kinda expected something more catchy with a higher bar.
ReplyDeleteI was so happy that even though Chaeyoung and Dahyun didn't technically rap, it still felt like their parts in the last two songs. The transition wasn't out of nowhere, and it all flowed together.
ReplyDeleteThis ^^^^
DeleteSana is Hit Girl from Kickass not catwoman
ReplyDeleteI've heard a variety of things as to what she's supposed to be, I honestly have no clue what she's supposed to be.
DeleteBest 1 day sales by a Girl group since 2010
ReplyDeletebeating SNSD and all the rest
Most views in 1 day, 5.9 million of any girl group
second to BTS' 6.3+ million among all kpop acts
debut with an All-kill on korean charts
yes, this comeback is a success
go back to onehallyu with this fangirling shit
Delete"All-kill" sounds so, so, so fucking retarded.
DeleteIf you're going by numbers, then yeah it is a success.
DeleteStill sad that Jungyeon is still ignored. #justiceforjungyeon2016
ReplyDeleteJungyeon is awesome, when I showed my brother the "Cheer Up" video he liked Jungyeon and Jihyo the most.
DeleteJYP nailed the Twice fandom with this one. Song works, mix is top shelf, cuteness overload in video with enough sexiness (Mina - damn and Tzuyu...) to keep the oppas hooked. I'd give the song a solid 8 with an extra half point for no rap shit so an 8.5 The video is very well done, JYP has a good team and he lets them do their stuff and it shows. Still not in OMG or WJSN territory but I'd give it a 8.5 with a half point for Dahyun's bunny rabbit shuffle so a 9
ReplyDeleteReally loved this comeback!
ReplyDeletebtw is someone from AKF gonna review the new Ladies' Code MV?
I will if no one else plans to.
DeleteJihyo's eyes are really big in this, almost like an anime girl.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great song but that fucking chorus man. It just ruins everything.
ReplyDeleteWas Jungyeon wearing the same exact outfit that G-Dragon did in "Crayon"?!
ReplyDeleteHoly shit you're observant!
DeleteAm I the only one here who gives a fuck about Chaeyoung? She looked awesome in the video lol.
ReplyDeleteNo, I thought she looked great too. This color suits her a lot.
DeleteThey could have done a better job with the CGI but I think she looks awesome anyway. Chaeyeon ftw.
DeleteI feel you bro...but isn't she the same age as Tzuyu?
DeleteThe song does flow a lot better than the last two but overall it's not as catchy or memorable. Heck I'd say it was downright boring. The girls look great though and the video doesn't disappoint. Also I wish they'd worked on their vocals some more, they always sound so unnatural and over-processed (most of the time anyway). I'm not sure if that was the sound they were going for or not but I'm not a big fan of it eitherway.
ReplyDeleteTheir visuals are always on point
Deletesuch a bop, me rikey