It's a clear day on the beach, with just you and Qri, there's not too
many people around, the sun is shining brightly and Qri looks great in
striped top. However, behind her sunglasses you can sense that all is
not right with Qri. You've been talking about the world of Korean
entertainment all afternoon and as you speak, her attention wanders.
Something seems to be increasingly on her mind, and you get the feeling
that Qri seems to want to tell you something profound to shake your
preconceptions... but what could it be?
have no idea if what Qri is telling you is true or not. As long as she
keeps wearing clothes like that, you figure that she can continue to
believe whatever she wants to believe.
The last one is the best one.
ReplyDeletePlease do more of these. It would be great as a regular thing.
ReplyDeleteI personally think these are the worst kind of article he ever did.
DeleteIt's 9fag-tier.
I liked it it was fun
DeleteJara should search out "Angsty Korean Netizen" and its sequel, as well as "Thoughtful Raina".
DeleteI don't do a lot of these (Thoughtful Raina is the most recent and is nearly a year old) but they're good to fill up the space between real articles, also it's funny to see No complain about 9fag each time I post this sort of thing which guarantees they'll never completely go away.
You just know how to pull my tsundere heart strings.
DeleteWho is Henry Bloomfield?
ReplyDeleteBlanc & Eclare, really?
Hook up - Sex or boyfruend/girlfruend?
Besides my super insightful questions here, I got to admit I expected something like this with her earlier.
Nice use of the pics though.
No. Ask Qri. There's a difference? Thanks!
DeleteDid you just answer "no" to who Henry Bloomfield is? O,o
DeleteI'll make sure to ask her about the sunglasses next time I meet her, would be amusing if it was.
There's a difference, no? Just sex is fun'n stuff while boy-/girlfriend would be something that breaks down after a month or two because jeez they ain't got time to meet and all and they might not have the privilege to be bored in the same music show at the same time anymore.
You seen the more bikini-y pics she put up, right?
"No" is the most appropriate answer to any question about Henry Bloomfield.
DeleteYes I see all the Qri pics, people post them to me with religious fervour.
Alright good, because I did use that "Message AKFG" thing back when she uploaded them, I have no idea if that feature actually work.
DeleteI guess Henry Bloomfield is NO from now on, then.
I am not whoever this Henry Bloomfield is.
DeleteWhat if I told you I wait for the antikpopfangirl reposts so I don't have to login at kpopalypse?
ReplyDeleteGet well, hopefully Qri is able to suck out that illness from you.
All the images talking about tv music competition shows are the reason i never ever watch them and despise them. Seriously, guys, they're playing with you like puppets to keep you watching because you're more likely to watch the bullshit in the hopeful case your fave wins instead of telling the producers to go fuck themselves and to make something at least 1% legit.
ReplyDeleteAlso, kpopalypse, do you have more on the diss track co-writing thing? It would sound hilarious to me just thinking if they did this in the era of west coast vs east coast.
But... what about their nice performances? So many nice outfits and constant repeat of the same song that will indoctrinate you into loving it :D