If Soyeon had done that with whoever the younger male host in A Song 4 You, whatever fangirls he had would have committed collective suicide.
Hot damn a stone-cold glare like that just screams "I could take your precious oppar from you any moment, you are at my mercy and so is he". Lucky for all, she did that game with Amber, so no feathers were ruffled.
Iunno, my guess is it's some Chinese online game of sorts, they signed a deal with the company in charge of World of Warships in China too, so I wager it's something like that.
I will be a champion of all of T-ara and link 1. Boram, 2. Eunjung. https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/s750x750/sh0.08/e35/12105161_977794792243414_2038823734_n.jpg which is basically her best features anyway, her eyes.
https://igcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e35/12135301_1505580973088357_1542639125_n.jpg which I think more of you will find agreeable than the first link. I still think she should regain some of the weight she's lost though.
As a sidenote: http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/005OCwU6gw1ex4et5mbqyj30k00qowh2.jpg Qri's Weibo account tend to have some neat stuff too.
As a last sidenote: http://i.imgur.com/USfXim7.jpg Hyomin acknowledges Qri's (possibly augmented) assets (I kinda do wish they're augmented, for some reason) on her Weibo.
Top sexbots.
ReplyDeleteIt's not surprising that the fangirls have such insane hatred for T-ara. No doubt they would like to make it illegal to be that sexy.
ReplyDeletehttp://i3.minus.com/isaQjS0Maf1ZF.png <---
DeleteIf Soyeon had done that with whoever the younger male host in A Song 4 You, whatever fangirls he had would have committed collective suicide.
Hot damn a stone-cold glare like that just screams "I could take your precious oppar from you any moment, you are at my mercy and so is he".
Lucky for all, she did that game with Amber, so no feathers were ruffled.
Is that an Asuna cosplay? or what?
ReplyDeleteIunno, my guess is it's some Chinese online game of sorts, they signed a deal with the company in charge of World of Warships in China too, so I wager it's something like that.
DeleteNeeds more Boram. Said no one ever
ReplyDeleteI will be a champion of all of T-ara and link 1. Boram, 2. Eunjung.
ReplyDeletehttps://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/s750x750/sh0.08/e35/12105161_977794792243414_2038823734_n.jpg which is basically her best features anyway, her eyes.
https://igcdn-photos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e35/12135301_1505580973088357_1542639125_n.jpg which I think more of you will find agreeable than the first link.
I still think she should regain some of the weight she's lost though.
As a sidenote: http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/005OCwU6gw1ex4et5mbqyj30k00qowh2.jpg Qri's Weibo account tend to have some neat stuff too.
As a last sidenote: http://i.imgur.com/USfXim7.jpg Hyomin acknowledges Qri's (possibly augmented) assets (I kinda do wish they're augmented, for some reason) on her Weibo.
I would have made the links stand by themselves if I had been aware of the no-clicky linkiness.
DeletePagebreaks are my best friend. Are pagebreaks your best friend?
ReplyDeletey no boram?