Saturday, January 9, 2016

Weekly Showdown: Which Nugu Group is gonna Own 2016?

Last week I asked you guys which Kpop label you thought put out the best music in 2015. Here are the results:

Moving on to this week's showdown, there have been quite a few nugus that have been gaining a lot of attention in 2015. Granted, not enough to pull them out of nuguland just yet, but enough to at least get people talking about them. And while I don't find much appeal (if at all) in most of them anyway, other people seem to and it looks like they could really make it big in 2016. So I'm gonna ask you guys - just like BTS kinda exploded like some really severe diarrhea in 2015 - which kpop artist do you think is gonna be the next big thing in 2016?

Which Nugu-ish/Rookie Group is gonna Own 2016?

Monsta X

Honestly I don't listen to nugus all that much nor am I a big fan of any of the above. But, since they've been really popular these days, I guess I'd pick Twice. What do you guys think?


  1. Twice. One of the most hyped nugus, they ended up releasing a solid mini, have striking visuals, etc. then again, maybe i'm just heavily biased...

  2. g-friend
    #justbecause there's sica copy and i wanna hear their lypsinc in the radio again

  3. I think it will be Twice even though I like Lovelyz a tad more because Lovelyz has the best discography among the rookie girl groups.

    Though, I wouldn't mind seeing Seo Jisoo put a buttplug in Momo's ass. Mhmmmm.

  4. Hope Lovelyz haha. I think they had many good songs in 2015… I am talking about b sides, Hug me, How to be a pretty girl, Sweet and Sour, Circle... They were all great :) they have four good vocalists, and great visuals too. Hope 2016 will bring them success because I want WB to debut already.

    1. Is that the group who gets to debut when Lovelyz wins #1 on a music show?

  5. Twice is the safe choice, although I think GFriend will make it as well.

  6. What's weird is I don't think any boy group stands a chance with all these girls, they have girl fans now. Boy groups should just call it quits.

    1. boy bands are almost always a safe investment, you can always be sure of a certain level of support

      girl groups are a gamble, you don't have the hordes of rabid fangirls so they rely much more on general appeal. if it works, it works great, otherwise companies are really going to struggle getting a return on their investment. Twice are getting endorsements for big brands already, that's huge

  7. Twice, it's not even a competititon. They're the first interesting nugu group in ages.
    Lovelies, girlfriend and clc are all boring and generic, they can go fuck a fence for all I care.
    Never heard the other names.

    1. Twice aren't interesting. Their being bland is what's making them so popular in S.K.

    2. Twice aren't interesting. Their being bland is what's making them so popular in S.K.

  8. Even though I hate to say that, it will probably be Winner or iKon. The crazy YG fanbase themselves are good enough to carry them through.

    1. I'd say they'd only own 2016 because of the crazy YG fanbase.

  9. *sobs because TOP Media have probably kicked 100% into the gutter*

    1. Gosh I was thinking the same thing. 100% had so much potential and their songs were catchy as hell. It's sad that TOP media already gave up on them.

    2. If they're not making money, what can us 100% fans do except sob?

  10. I'm thinking GFriend, assuming this upcoming comeback goes well.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. They do! That was some T-ara level determination there.

    3. they have the best song, so the others can fuck off really

  11. I don't care so long as someone can stop Apink's reign of terror and dethrone them before they drive kpop completely into the ground. They were behind Kara disbanding, I just know it

  12. I REALLY hope it's Lovelyz. They have everything a rookie groups needs and more.
    Twice is a safe choice, but then again it's respected since they come from JYP and had a massive hype train behind them. I love Twice and all but Lovelyz overall just has better everything.

    As for boygroups, I hope its Up10tion. iKON is meh in every way.

    1. Junhoe is in iKon, therefore everything terrible about the group is instantly negated

    2. The members are "meh" to me so far. I like Chanwoo because of how much hate he gets and also without that awful haircut he looks pretty decent. I also like Jinhwan but that's pretty much it.

  13. I said MonstaX just to be a rebel. Also, they are almost entirely all goodlooking.

  14. TWICE has more album sales in 2015 than Lovelyz even though the latter has put out 3 albums before TWICE even put out their debut mini

    I'm pretty sure Like Ooh Ahh's MV now has almost if not more views than all the songs of the rest of the female rookies combined

    I will eat my left nut if TWICE doesn't catapult to become at least a mid level GG by the end of 2016

    1. Alright, I'm saving this in hopes Twice becomes huge so that we don't need to remind you that you have to eat your left nut.

  15. Gfriend has good songs but Twice has the sexy.


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