Thursday, June 26, 2014

SM prepares another bait n' switch with f(x) teaser images

At first it may appear that the new f(x) album Red Light District is going to have an interesting and edgy crackwhore concept that makes Troublemaker's "Now" look like amateur hour...

...but then we remember this is SM and they always try to be all avant-garde and shit in teasers only to give us more typical dance-in-a-box kpop that would make even Disney yawn.


  1. This is one of the many reasons why F(x) is my favorite girl group.

  2. Pink Tape is one of my favourite pop albums of the 21st century, so I have high expectations for Red Light.

  3. I hope the buy some bomb ass songs from the Europeans this time. Pink Tape was great.
    I'm ready for that MV box.

  4. >make akb48 yawn.

    Fixed it for you.

  5. My body is ready.

  6. could care less if they release shit for a mv as long the album is half as good as pink tape,i would be more than satisfied

  7. I have high hopes, but I'm sick of the whiny fans claiming that SM neglects f(x) because they aren't pumping out three mediocre albums a year.

  8. Why is Krystal cosplaying as the love child of Avril Lavigne and Marilyn Manson?

  9. Krystal looks scary af, gonna have nightmares tonight.

  10. No, she looks like Taylor Momsen. Can't be a bad thing.


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