Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I Take Back What I Said About Yooyoung

In my 2013 Bias List Wreckers article, I stated that I started to like Yooyoung only because she chopped off her hair. I thought she looked terrible with long hair back in 2012.

She looks jjangbak as fuck.

(Every article this week will be short, as I have a final exam to prepare for, and then I work everyday Wednesday through next Tuesday.)


  1. is good to see the you made up your mind Yoo young FTW!

  2. Don't know who this is, but she's pretty.

  3. Her short-haired and long-haired versions are so different from each other...both are damn cute anyway

  4. I can see how she's overshadowed by some of the others in Hello Venus, but damn she's pretty. Short hair worked well on soft facial features like hers.

  5. She was my favourite in Hello Venus since that one song I can't really remember. Lime and Yoonjo were becoming more appealing but out of nowhere I see this post and rediscover why Yooyoung is top dog.

    ...and fuck Yoo Ara.

  6. She reminds me of Krystal in that last picture.

  7. She looks like BoA to me.

  8. I was gonna post a comment about something something fanservice something ain't we talked about this before something.

    But the damn thing ate the comment, you have to live with this superb summary.

  9. Her and Ara have switched places. Ara looks like she's melting now and looks TERRIBLE. Yooyoung looks like a goddess now when she used to look horrible to me.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zTLxRi3Pok

    yooyoung is on the bottom left and looks hot as hell


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