Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chinese woman supports China. News at 11.

She grew up there. Her home is there. Her family is there. Her friends are there. Her money is there. Her business is there. The rest of her life after f(x) is there. Her legal protections and processes are there. Her retirement is there. Some little space where her remains will be left when she dies is there. Everyone who will still care to remember her will be there.

Did any of y'all really think she was about to say fuck China because she made some music in Korea?

Update: Various other Chinese figures in Kpop are as well. So shock. Much scandal.


  1. I don't get it.
    She posted a picture of China.

    1. It is an image in support of China's sea territory claims.

      As a fan of Asian-related media you should probably keep tabs on stuff that could result in wars for the region.

    2. I'm aware of all that it's going on, but I didn't realize she was trying to make a political statement.

      Everybody has a political opinion, even shitty ones.

    3. "As a fan of Asian-related media you should probably keep tabs on stuff that could result in wars for the region."

      Why though? "No" is interested in KPOP not their politics. Nothing wrong with that.

    4. Again, I'm extremely interested in East Asia and the politics.

  2. I know this site is probably the last place to talk politics, but I've been reading more and more articles lately about militarization in Asia. Japan's trying to amend its constitution so that they can have a full-scale military again because of China trying to expand its territory. Given that Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are our allies, we'll probably have to beef up our naval support in the region. I've also heard that countries like Vietnam and the Philippines want out support as well.

    1. As much as people think we're jumping in if shit goes down, I highly doubt it. We almost ended ourselves in SEA multiple times and it has never been popular back home during or afterwards. The US and China hate each other but love what they do for each other. They won't fight when they're still in bed fucking. The said, here is an article with views from multiple people on just the Taiwan issue, which is one of several issues all getting hot at once:

      I don't want to share my personal views on something so controversial between nations that I have no stake in yet many friends in, so I'll only say what I think countries would do, not what they ought to do. If anyone expects the US to make it our deathbed for them, they might want a second guess. The US is more selfish than that. We already fucked most of the region more than once wrestling with the Soviets. We'll leave them to get fucked if we can get what we want some other way. If fighting China won't definitely make us money and give us more power over China and the region, we won't do it. It won't, so we won't.

      I think the US will try to tell everyone to calm the fuck down, discourage them from building up their militaries and definitely discourage them from building nukes, and try to arrange trade agreements that subjugate the little guys to the big guys. If that doesn't work and shit hits the fan, we'll sell weapons to all participants while keeping our distance and covering our own ass. This isn't NATO. We'd probably protect South Korea and Japan's sovereignty if directly threatened, but we'll let anyone else get whomped. I don't think China is in the mood for landgrabs, anyway, but they would bombard the shit out of anyone trying to block their chosen path.

    2. Last I checked, the US government is very pro Japanese militarization, as it would allow the US' strongest ally in the region (Japan) to have a more active role in policing it - which primarily means keeping China in check. Some big names have been and continue going to bat for the remilitarization of Japan, so I don't think we will see the US telling any of its stronger Asian allies to calm down and avoid remilitarizing. Considering how big of an issue rebuilding their military is for Japanese PM Abe, the US also wouldn't risk straining the relationship and losing its biggest foothold in the region.

    3. The constitutional amendment will never pass the public vote.

  3. Sure, but I also don't blame people from those neighboring countries for seeing that post as a kind of "fuck you" to them, either.

    It's not the same thing as being patriotic. It's a controversial nationalistic statement that didn't really need to be made at all. She knew it was going to piss people off when she posted it.

    Maybe it's good for her career in China and was a smart move in that regard. But you certainly can't fault some people for being upset with her about it.

    1. There is no need to be upset.


  4. >being proud of Koffing: The Country

    Okay Victoria...

    1. https://youtu.be/q8UXJKT-et8?t=7

      Go fuck your selfie, Victoria!

  5. Honestly, if she was against it, her stating that she doesn't support would mean China practically banning Victoria from her home country. I mean, let's not forget what happened to Tzuyu who never even stated anything Pro or Anti Taiwanese in the first place, and only did so because she was forced to.

    1. Absolutely, I see people stating she should keep her opinions to herself. However if she keeps quiet China would feel she's not patriotic enough resulting in her banishment and ending her career.

  6. They should have just said nothing. Sure in the short term there will be a lot of pressure on them to take a side, but after a few news cycles all but the most die-hard haters and nationalists will have forgot about the issue. It's also a lot different from Tzuyu's issue; she was targeted by a smear campaign personally whereas here C-netizens are pressuring virtually every Chinese celebrity online to make a show of support. They aren't going to care that much about B-list celebs like these Chinese idols if they chose to keep silent and the majority of actual Chinese fans wouldn't abandon them either.

    Instead they alienated a large portion of their overseas fanbase. Sure the Chinese market means more for their future careers but none of these idols would have been known at all in China if it wasn't for their history in K-pop, which has a lot of support from Taiwan/SEA countries. It reeks of poor moral character for them to basically spit on their long-time fans to 'secure' a future in China. I certainly am disappointed in all the Chinese idols involved and won't be supporting any of their future projects any time soon out of distaste. I just hope Jackson is savvy enough to stay quiet.

    1. And if a war breaks out how do they prove their fidelity to country when they took on a foreign career and stayed silent through this despite massive request? When it seems they wanted foreign love more than Chinese love? Don't underestimate the power of social presumptions to ruin a life or fears of war and traitor paranoia. Hundreds of millions of people ready to lynch you where you live and god knows what kind of future insurmountable bureaucratic complications from an authoritarian government will make you flinch.

    2. Wars won't start over relatively small scale border disputes like this, not while the US is still patrolling the waters. Even if war did happen, the last thing people would care about in the middle of a fucking war is what some K-pop idol said about the issue a while back.

      They won't get ruined for staying silent. Haters may drag them online that's about it, the Chinese government, authoritarian as it may be, will not persecute you as long as you aren't outspoken against it. More Chinese than you think are discontented with the CCP and may even criticize them in the privacy of their homes, but as long as you aren't shitting on them in public forums or secretly arranging meetings with other dissidents the secret police won't whisk you off to be harvested for organs.

    3. I find myself agreeing with pikachuwei.

      Though I wouldn't be surprised if idols were being pushed by their management to put up such things.

  7. Chinese reunification can still be achieved, but the CCP is going to have to tread carefully.

    1. Taiwan will never peacefully subdue itself.

    2. China blew all chances of peaceful reunification in the next few decades with Tzuyu gate. Huang An single handedly dismantled decades of CCP efforts to win over the Taiwanese youth with soft power

  8. I'm also praying for Jackson to keep his tasty mouth shut, I would really hate to see him lose everything he worked for.


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