Thursday, July 14, 2016

Old News: Sunmi doesn't give a flying fuck

I know I am way late to the game on this, but this is why we love Sunmi. This bitch can't be bothered. She sort of half-heartedly does the choreo in the group parts, but when it's her turn to do a solo she's like "fuck this noise" and just slumps around with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, I'll sit down early if I fucking want to" -Sunmi to the cameraman

She looks hot, though.


  1. I can't really identify who's who in WG, except for Hyerim. Is Sunmi the one in the gray shirt that's sitting on the right most chair in the beginning?

    Why so lonely is an amazing song.

    1. Yes she is! And I love it too, reminds me of Primary's Don't Be Shy (in a good way)

  2. Yubin will always be my eternal wonder girls crush

    But I can see why people go crazy for sunmi

  3. Don't know who Sunmi is but she looks and acts like she's this close to killing someone like holy shit girl. I don't like when people shit on idols when they don't feel good so maybe she had a bad day or isn't feeling good but you'd think she'd at least try a little...I mean come on, all the other members are trying but you're just having a bitch fit over there...

    And for the record I say this as someone who has done ballet since I was 3; I'm 21 now. I know that it's hard to dance if you don't feel good or had a bad day but she's not even attempting to try. There's a difference between bad/lackluster dancing because of not feeling good and bad dancing because you don't feel like it/are selfish/are mad.

    I will say though I can still sympathize. I've done it, too; refused to dance correctly or dance at all because I was pissed off at the teacher or someone else, and I know being a KPOP idol basically means 24/7 slavery. I hope she feels better and can bring herself to try next time.

    1. Also forgot to say she also looks really sad which makes me feel bad. Can't tell if she's angry or sad but I get it. I empathize but I also think that she should at least attempt to dance in front of the cameras, especially for such an easy routine.

    2. And one more thing, she actually looks sick too. If she's sick, I'll give her a free pass for her shitty performance. That's never fun.

    3. "I know being a KPOP idol basically means 24/7 slavery"

      The Wonder Girls are basically in their twilight years as an idol group and JYPE no longer takes a proactive part in managing their schedules, comebacks or personal lives. They're about as far from kpop slaves as any kpop group can get at this point. As for why they are half-assing their choreo it's probably because they are a band now and they have no passion anymore for learning new choreos which was something they did 24/7 during their early years.

    4. As far as I can tell, Sunmi has always been on the sulkier side as a person (witness her trying to do Gain's Bloom with very little enthusiasm or success). She is a great performer if she likes the choreography/the song (see 24 Hours for a good comparison to this), but she doesn't have much time for crap she doesn't like. Plus she was also probably having a bad day.


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