Hey guys, I'm advertising the new, improved AKF Chat that will replace that sweet legacy Chatango. You can access it through Mibbit at the link on top of the page, or with any regular IRC client like mIRC.
Server: irc.va.us.mibbit.net
Channel: #AKF_Trivia
UPDATE: Since Jakkuman is jealous people love this bot more than him, he has banned it from the main AKF_Chat for a while (until we have our trivia nights). So for now, trivia games will be held in #AKF_Trivia, type /join #AKF_Trivia if you want to go up against the smartest machine ever made by man.
Grab a nickname and come join us to chat about all the important issues in life, from K-Pop Idols to K-Pop songs, and everything in between. Okay, so that isn't really a broad range of topics, but what are you gonna do about it? Yeah I thought so, now let me finish.
The AKF Chat is also proud to introduce the illustrious K-Pop Trivia Bot! Have you ever wanted to play K-Pop trivia but been too embarrassed to tell people in real life that you listen to K-Pop? Well come over to the AKF Chat and play with other people! Or yourself. But I know you already do that, don't you?
More questions are being added every day, and if you personally want to write in questions to create the ultimate K-Pop trivia experience, feel free to contribute.
Questions should look like this:
Who is the best girl group*gang kiz
Who is the best male group*teen top
You can separate multiple answers or variations of names using an asterisk, for example:
Who is the most hated girl group*snsd*gg*girls' generation*soshi
Please don't add question marks, and place your questions into a three character .txt file: XXX.txt
You can either email questions to kpoptriviabot@gmail.com or submit them in the comments below. Have fun!
The K-Pop Trivia Bot. |