Since this is the ninth installment of Sunday Shitpost, I figured this was as good as an excuse as any to play T-ara's No. 9.

Sunday, January 31, 2016
Sunday Shitpost #9
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
6:30 AM
Since this is the ninth installment of Sunday Shitpost, I figured this was as good as an excuse as any to play T-ara's No. 9.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Saturday Shitfest #34
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
Po Minit is supposed to make their comeback really soon, and normally I would be hyped, but Skrillex worked on the song.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Intro to J-Rock #1: moumoon
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
After I posted that Radwimps music video over a week ago, people were requesting that I post some recommendations. As someone who used to listen to a lot of J-Rock before getting into K-Pop, I figured it wouldn't hurt to give some suggestions. 2015 was a great year in J-Rock and revitalized my interest in the genre after barely listening to it for the past decade, mainly due to many of my favorite bands disbanding combined with discovering K-Pop as it started getting really good (2008).
Fancam Appreciation #19 - Girl's Day's Sojin
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
This week's fancam comes courtesy of Kpopsteve. The world can never have enough Sojin.
Are there fancams that you want to nominate? Email them to or tweet them to @antikpopfangirl.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
[MV Review] G-Friend - "Rough"
Look I know I'm probably the only author on this site outside of Soyeon Friend that actually likes G-Friend but I feel like this song and video is worthy of a review since it's pretty awesome.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
How I Would Deal With Dasom's Online T-ara Impersonator
So Dasom has an Internet bully who obviously gets his inspiration from T-ara. This is how I would handle the situation if I was the CEO of Starship Entertainment.
Seolhyun Tries To Win Over America With Guns
She succeeds in my book.
I was bored and saw this on Asian Junkie, so I decided to post about it. Seolhyun poses in all black with guns for Sudden Attack which is some video game or something else I don't care about. Anyway there is an attractive woman with guns so any other Americans and gun loves can enjoy to the rest of this post. For the guns, of course.
Bump of Chicken - Butterfly
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
4:41 AM
I'm glad to see you UCAADs again. I worked 200 hours over the past two weeks, so that is why I have been MIA. I should have a more reasonable schedule the next two months (55-70 hours a week versus 100 a week), so I'll be posting again. The only other real changes are me taking over STFU and HYSF going back to doing the day-to-day writing I used to do and writing long articles. It looks like whoever touches the STFU series ends up cursed, so let's hope the STFU series doesn't kill me.
Anyway, I found out that Bump of Chicken is releasing a new album titled "Butterflies," and they recently released their music video for "Butterfly". This sound is different from what they usually do, but you can still hear their normal sound under the synth beats produced by the keyboard. I personally like the direction change for them, as BoC typically has slower songs and a light-rock feel to them, so the synth beats do add some oomph without drastically changing how their songs sound.
Back in the day, "Karma" was my shit. And yes, it's the theme for Tales of the Abyss, which is tied for my favorite game ever (the other being Persona 3).
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Kpopalypse Nugu Alert Episode 16: Hexe ft Plug Galaxy, Rebro, Kim Doe Hyun
Posted by
4:04 PM
It's back again for 2016 - welcome to this year's first episode of Kpopalypse Nugu Alert!
It's time to check out some more nugu k-poppers!

It's time to check out some more nugu k-poppers!
Hani Can't Catch a Break

So Hani and her little brother recreated a photo from their childhood, but it seems that people will find anything to bash her for now-a-days.
Monday, January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Sunday Shitpost #8
Posted by
Soyeon Friend
1:56 PM
I'd like to start off this week's Sunday Shitpost by saying, "Yo fuck the Pats." Anyway, I'm doing this week's shitpost again, which means it's going to be short and probably not have something you'd love to shitpost about. Feel free to shitpost all you want in the comments about anything, though.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Weekly Showdown: Stellar Edition
Posted by
Oreo Monster
6:00 PM
Last time, I asked you guys which nugu/rookie group did you think was gonna make it big in 2016. Here are the results.
In other words, Twice >>>>>>>>>> Everyone else.
In other words, Twice >>>>>>>>>> Everyone else.
Netizens In Love With Red Velvet’s Adorable Copy-Pasted Behavior At The “Idol Athletic Championship”
Posted by
4:23 AM
I desperately need some web traffic to boost my fragile ego but I'm
too lazy to write a proper article, so I thought I'd take a leaf out of
other websites and just steal one from somewhere else. I hope you guys are cool with this.

Saturday Shitfest #33
I don't have much to say about this video, except Nayeon is the best kind of awkward.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Fancam Appreciation #18 - Sonamoo's Euijin
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
Euijin has been my favorite since debut and this fancam shows why.
Are there fancams that you want to nominate? Email them to or tweet them to @antikpopfangirl.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Best of the Worst: Jan. 21, 2016
Kpop tackled some deep, philosophical issues this week. After wading through all that substance, I was left with a few questions for you, readers, such as:
- Would you turn down a billionaire's proposal of marriage even if you just met him once and didn't like him?
- If you were going to petition a kpop media outlet for something, who would it be and why?
- And does using the same filter as someone mean you're humping behind the scenes?
![]() |
Deep. |
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
The Kpopalypse k-pop music video drinking game
Posted by
10:28 PM
It's a little known fact that the Kpopalypse radio show already has its own drinking game,
but what about people who don't give a shit about radio and just want
to watch some YouTubes and get fucking drunk? Well, this post is for

Radwimps - 記号として
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
Radwimps is quickly becoming one of my favorite groups, and I'm hoping they release an album this year, since their last album came out in 2013.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 94
This comment comes from an old Boyfriend article here on AKF in which just about the whole comments sections could provide enough STFU material to last two months.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 93
This comment comes from a thread about liking idols but not liking their music. You'll have to click on the image to blow it up even more, as this is as big as I can make it.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Sunday Shitpost #7
Posted by
Soyeon Friend
12:00 AM
Saturday, January 16, 2016
The Art Of Thoughts by Chou Tzuyu
Posted by
2:52 AM
It's the return of Kpopalypse fanfiction! Please enjoy the following story!

Saturday Shitfest #32
AKF couldn't be here to make this regularly scheduled Saturday Shitfest, so I'm filling in today.
Please enjoy Stellar's teaser MV here. It's for their upcoming comeback, "Sting."
Please enjoy Stellar's teaser MV here. It's for their upcoming comeback, "Sting."
Friday, January 15, 2016
Why I'm Stanning Tzuyu
Seeing as how her "scandal" went down and how easily JYP succumbed to Chinese netizens, I have nothing but support for her.
(Keep in mind, I don't want any AKF authors to feel that they can't post on this matter just because I now have. If anything, I want more people to speak up on this, so if you had a post planned on this subject, don't feel the need to discard it, please.)
Fancam Appreciation #17 - Hello Venus' Seoyoung
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
This week's submission comes from Imam. When it comes to Hello Venus, you're always guaranteed a good fancam.
Are there fancams that you want to nominate? Email them to or tweet them to @antikpopfangirl.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Best of the Worst: Jan. 14, 2016
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
[MV Review] Dal Shabet - Someone Like U
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Kpopalypse's 10 most fappable k-pop music videos of 2015
Posted by
2:27 AM
Let's be real for a moment and mention that apart from a few
crybabies that can't handle what I write, and a few other people who
don't follow k-pop closely and therefore appreciate the discovery value
of finding stuff that they missed, nobody gives a shit about any of my
lists apart from this one. Favourite songs, worst songs? Who the fuck cares about some Australian asshole's opinion. Christmas bullshit? It's a foregone conclusion that it all sucks, every year. Don't worry readers, I know what you really want.
The year has come and gone so now is the time you've been waiting for, where Kpopalypse reveals the most fappable faptastic k-pop FVs of 2015! Prepare yourself appropriately and read on if you dare!

The year has come and gone so now is the time you've been waiting for, where Kpopalypse reveals the most fappable faptastic k-pop FVs of 2015! Prepare yourself appropriately and read on if you dare!

Sunday Shitpost #6
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
It's another Sunday, and after the holidays, a shit ton of news came out. A lot of it bad, but there's some good stuff thrown in. This will be my last Sunday Shitpost (and Saturday Shitfest as well) of the month, as other authors will be filling in for me while I have no life because of work for the next few weeks. I will have some scheduled MV review that I'll write later today and schedule them on Wednesdays for the rest of the month. With that said, let's get to the shitfest.
[UPDATE] Blackface: What it IS and What it IS NOT

Enjoy this gif of Hyosung while you can because the rest of this post has some pretty nasty pictures.
Blackface is a hot topic in k-pop for both interesting and vapid reasons, and today we're going to cover what blackface is and isn't within the context of K-pop (and pretty much everywhere.)
WARNING: this post contains some frightening images, I will try to make it up to you towards the end.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Saturday Shitfest #31
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
After a long work week, one of the last things you want to read is breakup rumors of one of your favorite groups.
Step is the best Kpop song 5ever.
Friday, January 8, 2016
Fancam Appreciation #16 - T-ara's Jiyeon
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
Of course we need a post to appreciate the Cyclops Overlord. I found a comment in another video that I'll post below that I had to share.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Best of the Worst: Jan. 7, 2016
How's 2016 treating everyone? Are you kicking its ass, or are you more the Irene to its Wendy?
Well, anyway, this week we've got a nugu with a sugar daddy, an embarrassing kpop crossover, and an idol who used to be a sasaeng.
Well, anyway, this week we've got a nugu with a sugar daddy, an embarrassing kpop crossover, and an idol who used to be a sasaeng.
The Kpopalypse Awards 2015
Posted by
5:22 AM
The only awards ceremony anybody cares about is back! Twelve months has passed so it's time for the second annual Kpopalypse awards!
Even more relevant than the MAMAs, it's time to look back on the last 12 months and find out who won accolades from Kpopalypse!

Even more relevant than the MAMAs, it's time to look back on the last 12 months and find out who won accolades from Kpopalypse!
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Bold predictions for Jay Park in 2016
Posted by
Soyeon Friend
8:39 PM
![]() |
Jay Park's ears allow him to hear misinformation from miles away. |
Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 90
If you have to second guess yourself on your language abilities, then maybe you shouldn't state that you know the language.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Guess the 2015 end-of-year best/worst list – survey responses!
Posted by
2:59 AM
Hi everyone, a while ago I did a survey and asked all you nice folks about what you thought I'd pick for my best/worst lists. Many of you responded, and now that the official lists are out the results can now be published!
I'm not going to repost the fucking results here because
I'm too lazy it's full of data tables and crap that are just too hard to recode for
this site without breaking everything (mainly my nuts) so instead if you
give a shit click the picture of Yooa above to go to the survey results! Or if you don't care less, just fap!
I'm not going to repost the fucking results here because
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Sunday Shitpost #5
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
San E is an edgy early 2000s teen
Posted by
12:00 AM
Earlier this year, San E committed the cardinal sin of being in the same room as someone who did something when, if you looked at it from a certain angle and squinted, could potentially be interpreted as something that might resemble an act of disrespect toward a YG artist. This led the loyal army of Mino fans to call for his head, or something to that effect. Little did they realise that he was one of the few things that made "Show Me the Money 4" watchable and actually seemed to be enjoying himself. What annoys me most about people getting pissy about the lineup change in "SMTM4" is that hate could have been far better directed if it had been pointed in the general direction of the album that Mr. E shat out this year: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," which was unforgivably poor and lazy. That's especially obvious when comparing it to previous album "NOT Based on the True Story," which ticked all the right boxes in that it was good, whilst his new album ticked all the wrong boxes in that it was shit.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Weekly Showdown: Battle of the Labels
Posted by
Oreo Monster
12:33 PM
[Results of last showdown here]
Since there hasn't been any good new music (or at least anything showdown-worthy) these past two weeks, I decided I'd ask you guys this instead: Which record label do you think put out the best music in 2015? I'm just gonna put the "Big three," but you guys can click "other" if you think none are worthy enough.
Since there hasn't been any good new music (or at least anything showdown-worthy) these past two weeks, I decided I'd ask you guys this instead: Which record label do you think put out the best music in 2015? I'm just gonna put the "Big three," but you guys can click "other" if you think none are worthy enough.
Saturday Shitfest #30
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
Hnnng, Victoria covering Jolin Tsai's "Honey Trap". 8======D~~~~
I hope you guys had a great 2015. 2015 was a great year for me, but it made me busier, as evidenced as me being gone for the majority of 2015. 2015 was the slowest year for AKF with the least number of posts, and that is primarily my fault. However, being busy as fuck really teaches you how to manage your time, so expect 2016 to be about as busy as 2014 was. 2016 will still have all of the scheduled posts that we started rolling out in December, but during my slower seasons I'll be able to post a lot more, including long articles.
Also, AKF is already entering its sixth calendar year and the five-year anniversary is in April. I didn't expect this site to last this long. I really don't have anything planned for this year aside from just keeping this site alive.
Friday, January 1, 2016
suho_ftw's Top 25 Title Tracks of 2015
At first, I wasn't going to post this here to avoid overkill, but I got the OK.
This list was not easy. It took revising and re-editing, and it eventually came down to me with a pencil and paper writing down the songs it would physically hurt me not to put on the list. It started out as 15 and ended up being 25 because fuck it, why not? Not every song I loved wound up on this, just the ones that had to be in the top 25.
- Song must be a title track. B-sides have a separate list.
- Rap songs can be included, but this is primarily k-pop so I kept it down to a minimum.
- It's all my opinion.
Fancam Appreciation #15 - Fiestar's Cao Lu
Posted by
Nayeon's Vibrator
12:00 AM
With everyone jumping on board the Cao Lu hype train, I figured it was time for people to have a chance to fap to Cao Lu. More fancams after the jump.
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