Thursday, July 30, 2015

Best of the Worst: July 30, 2015

Welcome back, everyone. We've got quite the collection of kcrap today. There's an idol who kisses people when she's drunk, YG's confession and G-Dragon's sick ride.

Please take me for a ride, GD.

Victoria wants you to flex your fingers with her.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Victoria's finger what the fu ck

    1. It makes most of my fingers sad just looking at it. Except my thumb, that arrogant bastard.

    2. Have you sticked it up your butt too often ? :x
      I guess you could call this some kind of hand porn.

    3. Nah my fingers do the same thing. It's just a hyperextension and its pretty common, especially in Asian people so idek why people are making a big deal

  3. If a fucking crocodile wanted to "kiss" me, I'd be very afraid.

  4. Replies
    1. She sure does. I hope Bomi joins in on the fun.

  5. Now I know what to bring to the A-pink fan meeting!

  6. This was an awesome week in kpop news.

  7. Eunji and her drunk kissing habits are fine and all, but I want to know more about the guy pissing on the floor when he's drunk. What kind of weird shit is he into, and just how far does he take it? Does he bother unzipping and pulling it out, or does he just let it go down his pants leg? How often does he do it? How long has he been doing it? Does he do it when other people are in the house? Does he do it when he goes to a bar or a party? What excuse does the wife offer up whenever he does this around other people?

    It's infinitely more interesting than the same generic shit they probably asked Hayoung and Eunji. "Who's your favorite boy groupr?" "Do some aegyo for us." zzzzzzzz

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  10. It seems that my fave Seulong and even maknae Jinwoon will be leaving 2am. I seriously am lost for words. UPSET.
    I became a fan of Changmin only cos of Homme (for some reason, the male duo concept worked).
    Of course Jo Kwon will decide to stay with JYP, come on, he seems so successful already.
    Why would he look elsewhere?

  11. And that, my friends, was MY best of the worst (wasn't featured).

    Let's just see how long 2pm can last.
    My bets are on Nickhun and Taecyeon staying on.
    The rest...?


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