LOL @ 0:26

Tell that to her over-zealous stans and omg they would rip your heart out. I simply left a comment criticizing her in the most civil manner possible (shocker ain't it?) and within 2 minutes I had 15 + responses from
some retarded Blackjacks/Dara stans claiming that I'm an 'anti' and how I should 'gtfo because I can't sing better than her anyway'. My job doesn't involve being a singer so try harder you fail fangirls. How typical. Gotta love retarded fangirls letting their bias cloud their judgement. Oh K-pop why must you have this influence on 13 year
Well I'm sorry you delusional bitches but that tone deaf can't sing and y'all secretly know it. 'Fresh vocals' is probably on my list of Top 10 bullshit phrases in K-pop right after 'bagel girls'. Fresh vocals my ass. I do understand that she's overshadowed in the vocal department thanks to the other members being a million times better than she'll ever be talent-wise that is. Even useless 'faces' of the group like that troll-face Sulli from fail (x) has shown some improvement.
Dara bb, just sit there and make retarded expressions. Your fanboys and retarded stans will still admire you since you're the next best thing since sliced bread.
ReplyDeleteA Sunday night show here in the Philippines that usually does segments on various interesting shit had a kpop segment. Guess which company most of the segment was dedicated to?
ReplyDeleteROFL Sandara bias
rofl i just agree with this article
ReplyDeleteI thought the song was good but one thing: Dara can't sing
ReplyDeleteThis is why the blog was started.
ReplyDeletecouldn't care less about her unimproved singing, what i really want to know is if she improved her acting(probably not)
ReplyDeleteduring the peak of her fame here in PH, she was one of the worst actresses(yeah, there's someone who sucks more than her), she was famous for having no talent at all...
i thought training in KOrea improved her, *sigh*
then yg stans go on and on about how yg = quality. hilarious shit.
ReplyDeleteYou know i think u guys r all fuckin jealous of her!!!
ReplyDeleteWe're not jealous because she can't sing. Have you ever seen here sing high notes? Have you ever thought why she has the least lines?
ReplyDeleteHere ladies and gentlemen is a prime e.g. of a retarded Dara stan.
I mean she can't really improve if she's never singing, but at the same time I really wouldn't want here to. The fact that I can't stand her fucking face doesn't help either.
ReplyDeleteIt's not "fresh" vocals, it's "weak" vocals. Her small parts are so disappointing to listen to in the song. The part that ends in "..chaku shipoh" or whatever, sounds the worst.
ReplyDeletehahaha you guys are so mean. I still don't understand why you guys pick on dara so much. Her voice is weak compared to the others, but there are much worse singers than her out there~
ReplyDeleteAll I'm thinking from this article is, WTF are bagel girls? ROFL
ReplyDeleteSo true...
ReplyDeleteI like Dara, but I have to admit that her voice is weak especially compared to the other members.
y is u so jealous bcuz YOU can't sing. LOL
^ LOL there goes another one
ReplyDeleteDara is like the model of no-talent kpop girls who became famous or got scouted based on their looks alone. Dara can't do ANYTHING well: acting is shit, dancing is shit (she danced worse than a white boy in taeyang's I Need a Girl video.. that was PAINFUL to watch), and her singing is absolute shit. All she does is put in her little one-liners in a sing song way, trying to pass it off as singing. My godddddd, how is she famous?
ReplyDeleteSandara Park probably improved her acting. Just see her acting chops in Kiss or she'd never master those facial expressions (or maybe all the hip hop theme) if she did not improve in her acting. The person saying she 'probably did not improve in acting' has obviously some biased judgment just in how that person probably perceived her in her Philippines days.
And in my opinion, Sandara Park can sing - it depends on the song. She's good enough for 2NE1 (and sometimes, her voice just passes off as just 'decent') but not great as the other three members.
Sandara Park trained in YG for her acting chops primarily, not for singing. The company initially wanted to debut her as an actress, I believe. So for that person who said 'she probably did not improve in acting' is obviously an idiot.
^ Strangely enough, Goo Hye Sun joined YG to become a singer but instead debuted as an actress first. And Dara joined YG to become an actress but debuted with 2NE1 first. Thought that was kinda interesting.
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting idea: If Dara were in another girl group like SNSD, Kara, f(x) or any other girl group where most of the members have weaker vocals, no one would bat an eyelash. Dara might not be able to sing like Taeyeon or Jessica, but she can hold a tune better than Sohee, Yoona, Sulli, and Victoria.
She should have just stayed here in the Philippines instead of going to Korea. No wonder 2ne1 sucks and their recent concert here in Manila was ear rape!
ReplyDeleteUh. She's better off going to Korea than maintaining her stupid career here in the Philippines. Atleast in Korea, she's a real talent even if it's not enough for some.
ReplyDeleteIn the Philippines, she's an excuse for a cute lady or whatever on TV.
I'm not sure how you formed your judgment...
Well, going into 2ne1 did not help her either. Had she went off to Wonder Girls, it would have been better.
ReplyDeleteLMAO Fresh vocals? is just a some pretty way of saying "out of tuned" "tone-deaf" "can't sing for shit". Dara can't sing for SHIT. I was a fan of hers in the past during her time in the Philippians but even there I knew she can't sing. Honestly if she wasn't in YG and with some other lower company people will rip into her for her "no vocal ability". Don't get me started on Suli that trick is just plain useless just like Dara.
ReplyDeletehahaha i stan her. She isn't a great singer but i enjoy listening to her parts. ^contrary to what this person above me is saying, i reckon her singing ability would not have been as frequently bashed if she signed in with another company but she'd still be bashed nonetheless(just not as frequent, get it? heehehee)
ReplyDeleteShe appeals more as a blogging celebrity to me than as a singer.
Suckmydee. said...
Here ladies and gentlemen is a prime e.g. of a retarded Dara stan
who are you to judge someone like that....
and your blog is starting to be on racial discrimination now.
please please be sensible and rational....
you're the one who's pathetic and delusional to believe that your opinions always matter the most as if you had knowledge, credibility and authority in criticizing and humiliating people.
grow up please.
I also think she can't sing that's why she's my least favorite.
ReplyDeleteaish. delusional fan girls who post comments about how to "stay of my unnie!!" and "u cant sing better than her anyways!" either need to get a hearing aid or get punched in the face. and wtf do u mean grow up please?!!!(from one of the comments) if you wanna go bashing this girl for her own opinion, REALITY CHECK, dont read it then, why dont u grow up fool?!
ReplyDeleteI don't even know her so well, but I am really embarrassed when she sings because she can't master the vocals. To be honest I don't even think she looks so good either. :/
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows this because this is the reason why she has so little singing turns.
Oh and her dance skills are terrible..
Dara is a fake ass bitch !!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteone of the judge in the philippines once said before "she got no talent" damn true . .
ReplyDeleteWow ya'll are just a bunch of haters. Dara may not be the best singer in 2ne1 but she sure can sing better than a lot of other people including u bitches who have nothing better to do than talk shit about her cuz none of you have talent. She actually knows herself she's not the best singer yet she till trys. I'm not gonna say she's my favorite but she's not my worst. I'm pretty sure none of you could even come close to her position in the music industry so you talentless hoes can just fuck off, grow up, and get a life.
ReplyDeleteYou're right! She probably is a better singer, and I probably couldn't become as popular as her. Damn you for being so fucking correct!
ReplyDeleteLuckily, singing isn't my profession, it's hers. Your argument is nullified.
She's fucking pretty when she isn't making those faces, though, and we all know that looks mean so much more than whatever traces of talent anybody in the pop industry may have.
ReplyDeleteMainstream music was never meant for talented people.
I agree. Dara can't sing. I think I can sing better than her, her part is the most easiest one.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, correct your grammar. It's "the easiest", not "the most easiest".
ReplyDeleteNo, you cannot sing any better than Dara because you don't have her fresh, soothing voice. Yes, I just said it. Even if her parts are the easiest, you can't be on par with the style of her voice. It's called singers and their own styles.
^^ROFLMAO!!!! No need to comment further.
ReplyDeletefresh vocals my ass DARA!
ReplyDeletelol why so much hate? I know dara is a weak singer but at least that girl knows her weaknesses and always tries her best to improve herself. that girl knows what she wants.
ReplyDeleteI'll be honest. She's not the best singer of 2NE1 nor a good dancer. Compared to the other girls in the group she is the weakest of the group.
ReplyDeleteI give her props for trying. Trying to improve on her singing, trying to dance just a little bit better because it's hard for her to compete with Bom's singing and Minji's dancing.
And I love how you speak as if you are better than the rest of us. You are the same as the "delusional Dara fangirls"; you just sit here and talk shit. I'd like to see the day when you actually go up to her and tell it to her "retarded" face.
@ Anonymous ( June 14, 2011) Actually I think Sohee's vocals are better than hers. -.-
ReplyDeleteHave you heard Sohee sing Love you I do? I bet you haven't.. try surfing youtube. ^^ But Sohee has got some weak vocals too..(admittedly)
but anyway, this article rocks! It speaks nothing but the plain obnoxious truth about sandara's disquieting & distressing popularity.
I really don't know why YG even hired her. I mean obviously she can't sing, her dancing is not even what you call dancing and her acting is..just bleh :p.
Overprotective fans just can't admit her flaw, thinking that she's an epitome of a real idol,, like ew..... *rolling eyes*
if you don't like her why don't you just zip your mouth shut .. yall crazy BITCHES !
ReplyDeletefuuuuuuuuuuuuck sandara park! t(^.^t)
ReplyDeleteblog like this will make dara more famous.. he he he
ReplyDeleteI love 2ne1 but Sandara is my least favorite member because she can't sing. Her voice is so not singing material. I don't hate her but I just don't like the fact that there's hella WAY MORE talented girls out there that can sing way better and aren't recognized and here is Dara singing with her no vocal voice.
ReplyDeleteyeah this article is the best article i have red for years
ReplyDelete"stfu she is decent she can sing and blah blah blah"
*forget to check website's theme*
Someone needs to catch the fuck up here, for fuck's sake. Where do these admirers think they are and what do they hope to achieve?
Heard her sing. Didn't like it. Absolutely hate her acting all cute. Leave that to little children.
i cant believe you dedicate all your time to making this sight about things you anti against. making fun of people and picking out their flaws when they have insecuritys is totally low. you say hyoyeon is ugly, i bet you dont have a perfect face. you say sooyoung is too skinny, i bet you dont like your body. you say dara can't sing, then why the hell is she an famous singer? your pathetic, i hope you get help.
ReplyDeleteDara- pretty, cute, fresh voice, sweet voice, kindhearted, lovable, talented.. MY GOD SHE'S ALMOST PERFECT? Hahaha. this blog is so PATHETIC. Hahahaha! you funny anti's Dara can't sing? why YG will choose a person that cannot sing?? r u anti's deaf? hahahah or just INSECURE/ JEALOUS?
ReplyDeleteHa-ha. If KPop does that to thirteen years old, what does JUSTIN BIEBER actually do?
ReplyDeleteHAHA. Dara can't sing to save her life. I saw a live performance of Ugly and ... /facepalm
ReplyDelete2ne1 would be in a better place without her.
Jooyi from Rania was originally supposed to be in Dara's place.
Dara has a great personality. 2NE1 TV...Minzy and Dara are just bubbly and fun. CL can be kind of a bitch sometimes.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, talent: Minzy, CL, Bom, Dara. CL's actually a good singer when YG doesn't Autotune the shit out of her voice. Bom's got that pretty, rich tone, but Minzy and CL have better control during live performances. Dara...well. "Chatgo sipeo..." <- That part. *facepalm*
There's that video of the acoustic "Ugly", where Minzy really shines, CL fares decently, and Bom - you can hear the control, or lack thereof, I mentioned earlier. Dara's just...bad.
I love HER, but honey. You're a SINGER. SING. Personality can't save you here.
I'm glad for this blog. I'm a Blackjack and a YG stan. If I went anywhere else with ANY form of criticism..."How can you call yourself a Blackjack? etc."
But all in all, I still like them.
Who ever wrote this ugly words about dare or 2ne1 ate bitches that have nothing to do. If you have nothing to say nice just shut up. I know you have the right to say about what u think....but if u wanna say something hard just don't say anything. U don't know them...did u ever hangout with anyone that u talking bad about? Saying that they don't have talent? Ur the one who don't have the talent, life and any kindness. U don't have the right. U don't know how hard this girls work for there dreams to come true.
ReplyDeleteIf ur having fun on hurting stars that people look up to....just keep it to ur self. Ur not just hurting them, u also hurting other people. If you don't care, that means ur just a mean person who have no hearth. Karma will hit and i know it will come really soon.
I absolutely adore Dara! ~ <3
ReplyDeleteShe's incredibly cute, pretty, and I've always been a long time fan of 2ne1 as a whole. But despite the fact that I'm a fan, I'm still a realist. I kind of agree on the fact that she really can't sing compared to some other Korean artists out there. I can't really speak up on the matter because I can't sing for shit either (Got it from my dad; he's absolutely tone deaf), but seriously... She has a very soft and almost inaudible voice that is completely overshadowed by the other girls, and half of the time, her voice is the one that is mainly always auto-tuned, and I think the company realizes this as well because in songs, I always feel like she gets the least amount of singing lines - especially in their ballads. For instance, in their Lonely and It Hurts Live performances, you can clearly hear the other girls individual voices but every time Dara starts the sing, I can only hear the recording and not her voice. In full honesty, I think the main reason that she's so well known is because she's in the band and because of her beauty. She should probably consider being a model instead of a singer, just saying. And after reading some of the comments here, I honestly feel bad for her that she is supported/hated by immature fans/anti-fans.
I hate G-dragon love of my life I want to get it! Dara bitch
ReplyDelete^ ...What?
ReplyDeleteAlso lol @ these delusional 10-year olds that can't spell to save their lives (and probably excessively love Dara only because she's pretty). Although I like 2NE1 as a whole, I admit Dara cannot sing to save her life. But I guess that's what "balances" 2NE1 out, bahaha.
inb4 "ur just jealos bich!!11" or "u cant sing btter den her!11" comments.
i can sing better than her ugggghh she only got pretty face and that's all. papa yg didnt expect her to be big at all and he himself told in an interview she cant sing to save her life.
ReplyDeleteGuys seriously? Youre all retarded for even fighting over this. Dara is a decent singer shes not terrible. And those faces she makes are funny what's wrong with that? I think you all just have some issues with people in the talent industry because you wish you were in her position. Hating is Squares, and guess what haters? your BIAS too. -.-
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ReplyDeleteI agree with the sentiment of this article, and I can see where the author is coming from. First, (to start off nicely) Dara certainly has "stage presence," which I believe it is very important in this type of industry. But stage presence is nothing if you can't sing well (I mean, I stop realizing her stage presence when she opens her mouth). To be honest, in such a competitive industry, auto-tuning can't save your life forever. I'd like to hear her sing a cappella. Listen to how pretty Park Bom's voice is: (just as an example, no rivalry-ness attempt). Dara has no vibrato in her voice, nothing unique... it almost sounds like she's just talking in different one-note/flat tones. And her soft voice has no power like BoA. I'm just comparing Dara to other artists to get my point across. If you're a fan, sometimes you have to face the facts -- I know it's hard (personal experience). All in all, I like 2ne1 as a group but a dread the Dara parts. She has a funny personality but I think if you're going to be a singer, you've got to have a good voice; it can't just be "meh" or "ok" because think about all people out there on youtube who can really sing and then you've got Dara. She always sounds like she's straining or yelling and it makes my head hurt. I do hold celebrities up to a certain standard, because they themselves knew what they were getting into and I hold them accountable for their performances. And if they don't perform well, I have a "subjective-spectator-right" to be disappointed -- especially when there are so many other talented people out there who are working just as hard.
ReplyDeletegod. this blog is a piece of trash, only spreading hate. the author/s must be so pathetic!
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ReplyDeleteI really like 2NE1, but Dara can't sing. Period. She is a useless member, who desperately tries to sing some notes correctly and then pretends to be the "director of communication" of the group... WTF? What group has a director of communication anyway? Other members can easily communicate with fans if they want to, but i guess they leave it to Dara so she would have some use. And what is that with her being the face of the group? Her trying hard cuteness totally spoils the badass and sexy image of the group. YG appa, what were you thinking?
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ReplyDeleteI understand if you don't like her. I'm a big fan of hers and I agree that she is not the best singer out there but racism is below us. If you want to scorn people for not having talent, don't include discrimination on your roadtrip to hell. And also, since "singing isn't your profession" and since that is your reason for not being able to sing better than her, what gives you the right to judge her?
ReplyDeleteP.S. Go ask your mom why she didn't have enough talent to make at least a half human child you-spawn-of-satan.
whew what a harsh comment ! i never knew there a lot of people hated dara just because of jealousy , you guys doesn't know her, do you know how hard it is for her to be where she is now, do you guys know the hardship she went through in life ? 100% none of you knows her at all! she strive hard for her family and to reach her goal. Dara doesn't deserve this harsh comment from you guys , please always remember this "don't judge other people by just looking/observing them " because you don't know her/his real life! lastly, dara is a talented artist! she's not auto-tune! she can sing! her voice suit well in their songs!
ReplyDeletewhew what a harsh comment, why are you guys being so mean to her? frankly speaking, i really don't get it why are you being like this saying that she can't sing, she can't dance, she can't act? are you guys blind? she's a star! she improved a lot when she went in korea, she dance well ,act and sing. i understand why some people says she can't sing well maybe because they heard about her song in the philippines which is entitled "IN or OUT" and it is actually understandable it sounds not good ah, better way to say it doesn't suit to her voice because it's a tagalog song anyway which is if a foreigner sang a tagalog song it sounded not so good . dara doesn't deserve to receive this kind of comment from you guys you are being jealous what she had now, one thing "don't judge her by looking/observing her" you guys doesn't know anything about her, you don't know all the hardship that she went through. for me i'm really envy her for succeeding her dreams,and being one of the star in korea, she really proved that she can be a star in her own country, and reaching her stop bashing her! anyway even if you guys hated her ,you can't change the fact she's already a star! :P