Bo Peep Bo Peep had an appeal because it was a cute dance, by hot girls, dressed in just the right amount of catpaws and catears for the casual fetish. All was good.
Then Jesus took the fucking wheel and the whole damn car right out of the Milky Way.

Are these for their japanese promotion. what the actual fuck
ReplyDeleteEven as a T-ara fan...WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? /sighz
ReplyDeleteI really hope this is photoshopped.
ReplyDeleteYou know when the covers came out, I was like "fuck yes! On right track girls!". THe covers were perfect, with the right amount of "cat-related-accessories" to resemble the number 1 karaoke song in Japan (43 weeks and counting) - Heavy Rotation.
ReplyDeleteBut this is just....*facepalm*...they look like they came right from a circus. This is not cute nor sexy nor seductive. This is ridiculously scary.
One word: COSPLAY
ReplyDeleteDamn, CCM is really planning on whoring them out to Japan. =/
They look absolutely terrible.
ReplyDeletePerfect hair and wardrobe: CHECK
ReplyDeleteSexy cat ears and gloves: CHECK
Crazy cat-like make-up: CHE- WHAT THE FUCK?!
Why do they have mess up those pretty faces like that?!
KKS/CCM/Whoever is in-charge of their Japanese promotions, why are you trolling me like this?!?!?!
fap fap fap fap fap fap boram fap fap jiyeon fap fap jizz eunjung fap fap hyomen fap squirt squirt
ReplyDeleteLittle kitties, this naughty owner is ready to be punished. I'm waiting....
damn you CATS!!! look what you've done!!!
ReplyDeleteon the bright side, q-ri's mole on her nose is covered up.
Actually, I'm starting to see it's creative flair...
ReplyDeleteYes I am crying right now.
Cheap product! what kind promotions are T-ARA getting themselves into?
ReplyDeleteOtakus are gonna love this and fap to them like crazy.
ReplyDeleteIts like your fapping to your cat OMG so fucking gross
ReplyDeletewhat the fuck
ReplyDeletehahaha just look at hwayoung
a big fucking LOL to them. Their make up just made me shit mah PANTZ.
ReplyDeleteand i dont FUCKING give a DAMN to otakus. they might be whoring out for but DAMN, please remove the "CAT" makeup for CRYING OUT LOUD.
im a BIG t-ara fan and this is the WORST thing that has ever happened to THEM (their FACE that is).
they never were really that good looking to begin the company decided that in order to make them look cuter, they put whiskers and fur on them...
ReplyDeletewell just FUCK....looks like a rerun of cats, the musical
but better for me; don't see all the fuss about them; more to dislike now. *thumbs up*
KKS is the ultimate troll in the whole industry. He wasn't about to be upstaged by SM and their Suju trolling.
ReplyDeleteSeriously KKS, tone it down. Take note from Aki-p when it comes to cat concept and fanservice in Japan.
This is sexy/naughty:
What you turned T-ara into is simply fugly and scary.
This is promoting bestiality.
ReplyDeleteThis is for the Japanese dude who likes to fap to cats meowing and licking their paws and shit.
eeeew gross
ReplyDeleteomg somebody please save my eunjung EEEWWWWW
the HORROR!!! my eunjung >.<
ReplyDeleteEunjung, my love, I will support you no matter what horrible outfits/makeup CCM puts you in/on you! <3
ReplyDelete(However, it is amazing how they made Hyomins horse face look kinda of like a cat... Didn't that would be possible. Ney.)
Reminds me of the musical "Cats". Was a bit terrifying. But nothing beats this. Oh well. There goes another hallyu wave fail.
ReplyDeletejiyeon has nice... shoulders
ReplyDeleteMy penis is confused.
ReplyDeletelol this is terrible and it sucks even more because I love t-ara
ReplyDeleteSoyeon is super cute though.
ReplyDeleteare they ?
ReplyDeleteEunjung looks so fierce in the second and third pictures!
(I wish they would stop throwing her at the end...She is center stage material)
3rd pic.. cat's paw on Eunjung's pussy.
ReplyDeleteWhat the actual fuck? That looks uncomfortable as hell.
ReplyDeleteAsking honestly...Do japanese guys enjoy this? Like they see sexually suggestive? DO they have a thing for cats or something...thats just gross D: I mean, catears are cute i guess but this is just too much for me to understand. Some otakus have WEIRD fetishes
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ anon mentioning Cats the musical, Andrew Lloyd Webber didn't pop into my mind til now
ReplyDeleteI'm the kewl cat, meow~
ReplyDeleteHey, it's Japan....
ReplyDeleteAre they doing cat kung-fu in the last pic?
ReplyDeleteQri looks pretty good :S
ReplyDeleteBut its alittle too far.
But, the new bitch, she is going to ruin bo peep for me now. thanks you tall whore making boram look so small :(
Jiyeon's creamy white shoulders.... I approve.
ReplyDeleteLOL, wtf is this? They look so unfortunate, my poor Eunjung. Only Qri looks okay.
ReplyDeleteWill never get Japan's fetish with cosplay or anything like this, this is repulsive. blegh
I don't think Eunjung would look so bad if they hadn't cropped off her hair and had chosen a picture where she didn't have so much tension in her mouth.
ReplyDeleteRegardless, Eunjung is flawless imo... CCM just trolls so hard!
Eunjung, fighting! One day you'll break free and become an (even more) amazing actress! <3
What in the Texas Hellfire? *is so damn confused*
ReplyDeleteLMAO THEY LOOK PISSED! Well, they should be. Even I'M embarrassed just looking at it.
ReplyDeleteTHe makeup is unnecessary. The girl on the bottom-left's makeup is ok though..
ReplyDeleteErr... it kinda looks okay from afar, though. Not just up-close.
ReplyDeleteI don't think they'll be wearing this type of make-up (I really hope so) when they sing on-stage.
qri still looks cute
ReplyDeleteOn a side note to all of this discussion. I love Jiyeon and think she's hot. However, sometimes she looks like she has a hint of "the downs."
ReplyDeleteCheck out these photos---the top right picture. OMG someone has the DOWNS.
ReplyDeleteI want them as my pets MEOW!!!!
xDDDD I don't mind going furry... xD reminds me of Cats the musical...
ReplyDeletewtf is that shit
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, lucky Jangwoo (aka Eunjung's husband) gets to pet these pussies while in bed.
ReplyDeleteYes, I saw the making-of vid for the MV.
lol'ing forever.
ReplyDeleteHwayoung looks absolutely flawless.
Good news everyone. They probably won't be wearing that makeup for their promotions.
ReplyDelete.........WHAT THE FUCKERY IS THIS???!?
ReplyDeleteJapanese people are creepy fucks, they're playing to that. Smart move, despite how terrible I think it looks.
ReplyDeleteFuck... furries have invaded K-pop.
ReplyDeleteKill me.
its not the furry friends fault... its the fuckin designer's.............SHIT! if korean MVs turned into jap. is not SUCK enuf...damn..XP