It's funny because it's true...
The song follows the pattern of their other recent's boring.
Anyways I didn't post this to hate on or even talk about the song or music video. I just wanted to post some of the comments I saw.

I love all the Dara comments.

I also love how every new 2ne1 song automatically becomes the best song eva
Been waiting all night for this post :<
ReplyDeleteAnd it was worth it :D
ReplyDeleteI liked this song man.
ReplyDeleteIt was better than "Hate you" imo.
I like the song. didn't expect that from dara.
ReplyDeletei found the "plastic zone" quite hilarious...
ReplyDeletebut the song is nice, huge amounts better than i am the best and hate you.
i definitely like the song there's no annoying sound or wtv, i like dara's part too! lol~ but the mv is bland for me...they could've done more actually.
ReplyDeletepretty boring song... i was expecting a bit more
ReplyDeletelike it, but overused slowmo
ReplyDeleteThis contrived shit... of all the people to rip off, why would you choose Pink?
ReplyDeleteYG stans act like YG is so original while everyone else is fake, but the fact is they are worse. SM might be blatantly pandering, manufacturing the best fanservice they can while only paying half a mind (or less) to musical quality, but at least they truly are manufacturing their own image. When they do buy songs from unpopular artists, they do just that, they buy upfront instead of copying everything and pretending it is their own creativity, though they usually remake the songs they buy to be 10x better. YG does nothing but blatantly rip off American performers and try to pass it off as something revolutionary they are doing on the scene. It's sad.
Note to insecure girls aka 2NE1 stans: Being angry doesn't mean you are confident. Wearing fashion that is rough on the eyes doesn't mean you are tough. Yelling at men won't make them like you. Before you try to make others realize that it's what is on the inside that counts, you should probably first make sure there is something pleasant to be found there.
^LOL wtf quit hating, the song's good, why bother the fans? don't let them affect you like that it will be bad for your health.
ReplyDeleteThese clothes are really...umm...let me look for the word...oh yeah! UGLY!
ReplyDeleteThe song is okay but i dislike the refrain...
Well, it's good that they know :D
ReplyDeleteYou're taking a song and company to effin serious man.
^Holy shit on a stick! What is with everyone doing this concept?!
ReplyDeleteI think they kinda failed to get the message across with this song(especially that M/V)...
That M/V went no-fucking-where. I don't care what anyone says, it didn't work. There was so much that could've been done but wasn't. I was honestly expecting more out of this... Guess I was a fool for that. I'm a Blackjack and when I say that this didn't work for me, I'm telling the truth....
It probably bothers me so much because it seems so immature and more native to teenage girls... Then again, that's probably what they were going for...
I'm an adult and get easily pissed off by teens and tweens... I don't know, I like the song somewhat but that M/V, I don't buy it.
And what the fuck was that random explosion?! They should've gotten Michael Bay to direct that tiny ass thing!
^That explosion was ovaries.
ReplyDeleteYeah that was explosion random as hell i admit.
@9:28 The song is not good. It is shamelessly copying one of my most disliked American artists. Also, the ability to analyze foolishness and articulate what you see is not "being affected" by said foolishness. I'm not angry at the pathetic girls with no musical taste who enjoy 2NE1, I'm merely offering criticism of the hype/practices of the group and life advice for the fans.
ReplyDeleteI like Ugly more than Hate You.
ReplyDeleteIf it weren't for the good animations, Hate you is as boring as fuck.
Ohhh and Dara has a bit more lines in Hate You and Ugly, those Dara stans must be way out of their heads now. The girl can sing but she's not THAT good.
I actually really like this song. The vids a bit bland, was expecting more of a TLC 'unpretty' theme but still I liked how there was no big dance number that is in almost every kpop vid.
ReplyDelete& to comment on what Ajusshi said, I actually agree. Like I love the whole girlpower don't need a man stuff but it does seem like their saying you can't dress up, be a quiet woman, while still being confident in yourself. You gotta be loud and 'in yo face' to prove your confidence which I don't agree with.
*the plastic zone was tooooo funny* >especially who was standing under it
But still love the vid and what they're trying to do.
^I can see that. I could've just muted the song and watched the M/V...
ReplyDeleteThey're going nuts over Dara verses! They're giving her the Hyoyeon treatment with this...
@9:43 I doubt that they will listen to you. they have there own world. I like the song but not much a fan of the mv.
ReplyDeletenormally i say neutral when it comes to songs, but this song is awful.
ReplyDeleteteenagers already self pity themselves enough, we don't need 2ne1 telling them to do it too.
i've heard songs about being ugly that pull it off nicely (Beautiful by Joydrop comes to mind, not kpop, deal w it) but these lyrics are awful.
"don't lie to my face" and then "nobody wants to love me"
why would someone bother to tell you you're pretty if they didn't want to love you? (and i don't just mean romantic relationship love)
and, besides that, the worst is when you tell someone they look nice and they go "no i don't im SOO UGLY!!" god damn it's just annoying.
self-pitying has just become a trend now, it's so stupid
@9:51 but I gotta admit she's a lot better here than their other previous songs. Can't blame her stans
ReplyDeleteThe song's pretty decent.
@9:37 No, you are taking it too lightly, not realizing the way that culture is guided by society yet also guides society.
ReplyDeleteAll art, especially popular art, is a reflection of the philosophies to which the public is choosing to adopt. When you create a song, you are offering insight into life combined with your approach to dealing with it. These girls consistently promote two ideas:
1) Outward appearance and behavior doesn't matter.
2) It is acceptable, even good and cool, to be an angry ball of spite inwardly.
So they don't just offer bad art, they also use it to promote bad philosophies and socially degrading attitudes full of double standards. Sugardrop pop might be shallow, but at least it consistently promotes an effort to be kind to others and have a redeemable quality in yourself.
And sorry but appearances do matter. You don't have to be cutesy but how you present yourself is directly tied to the respect you show to the people around you. If you don't learn this, you will do poorly as an adult trying to carry on a profession. They know this because they change for press events, which is another evidence of their double standards and the unsustainable nature of the philosophies they promote.
ReplyDeleteI think the song was suppose to have some sarcasm with the chorus.
the songs just mediocre...nothing special, just like their other song lonely.bust its definitely better than i'm the best or hate you.
ReplyDeleteand the mv..
the plastic zone..LOL bom, don't you feel anything??
This song sounds like something that would be playing on the radio in the states...
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's just me... hmm..
I also find it absolutely hilarious when people say Bom is good looking. Can you get any farther from the truth?
And 아저씨 blew your minds again~
ReplyDeleteOMFG! Best comment I've seen from anyone! "goodness... Bom could really replace barbie... -__-" I found this beauty on I Am The Best's vid! Lol!
ReplyDeleteThe second comment is great, kid is implying that the rest are ugly.
ReplyDeleteI view this as 2NE1's "Love Song"-esque venture (which I liked by the way). Although to be fair, the MV was boring, and the lyrics were corny as hell.
OK so i'm not Korean therefore I don't speak the language etc... i'm learning, i'm learning :)
ReplyDeleteBut back to this, looking at the translations it's not what I thought it was going to be at all. IDK if it has a different affect in korean but they don't really seem to be doing like the whole its ok if i'm ugly type thing. It realy just seems depressing and like they have low self-esteem. I'm sure thats not the effect they were going for but...yeah
I know I know they were "being sarcastic" or something but if they were they should have been smiling more in the vid (really only CL smiled) like "yeah so what i'm ugly *or so you call me that* but I still love myself and am happy in my own skin. They just pouted around singing i'm so ugly i'm so ugly.
This vid would have been really awesome if they did a contrast with like them being the "ugly" ones but they were all happy and confident and in control while they had maybe the dancers in the sexy-like outfits as the pretties but they were so generic and boring and the ones with image issues. *thats what I thought it was going to be from that pic Minzy posted*
Also, why tf are they insisting that they are ugly its like those people who just want sympathy/attention. someones telling you you aren't now its just you putting yourself down.
Lastly, (lol sorry for rant) idk, just not my cup of tea from a supposed self/women impowering group. If I want to feel depressed and speak of how much the world is just dumpin' on me i'd go listen to some Evanescence.
@아저씨 Which Pink song/MV are they ripping off? I haven't watched any of her stuff in a long time.
ReplyDelete@10:33 Pink has a very stagnant style and message. All of her songs are like this.
ReplyDelete아저씨 Needs to calm the fuck down....
ReplyDeleteIts just a fucking song no need to go apeshit over it...
If you don't like it than don't listen to it
lol let the man speak. at least his brain is bloody working
ReplyDeleteI wonder what minzy and cl feel like, promoting a song called 'ugly'?
they sing about being ugly but the video is the complete opposite. what I like about 2ne1 is that they bring emotions into their songs.
ReplyDeleteI like it so far, but the chorus......not so much. I didn't care much for the MV. :/
ReplyDelete@10:55 it's a defense mechanism called rationalization.
ReplyDeletei dont get it.. first "can't nobody hold us down" "i'm the best" and now "im ugly" lol
ReplyDeleteI think I'm ugly
ReplyDeleteand nobody wants to bang me
Just like her I want to be pretty
i want to be pretty
don't jizz on my face telling me i'm pretty
i think i'm ugly
and nobody want to do me
just like her i want to be pretty
i want to be pretty
don't jizz on my face cause I know I'm ugly
ReplyDeleteThey feel what they usually feel, 내가 제일 잘 나가.
WHY DOES IT SOUND SO COMMON. Srsly, its like a random song you would listen in your american radio and not notice AT ALL
ReplyDeleteThe lyrics are good but Im not listening to the song again, I prefer Hate you
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ReplyDeleteOh great. Of course this fueled another batch of crazy ass BJ comments. I dunno if I can handle anymore -_-
ReplyDeleteBut aren't there MILLIONS of songs like this already? like with the same idea? I don't really see how it's ripping off Pink only, I think this is just a generic message...nothing new..I'm not sure if I like the song yet, but I don't think it's ripping off any particular American artist..
ReplyDeleteAlso I hate how everyone is taking this at fucking face value it's really annoying. On Tumblr you see so many people crying because this song describes them so well god it's really annoying, they're not even taking the right meaning out of the song.
i love 21.....
you heard me
BJ 4 LIFE...nom nom nom
@10:46 Are you blind? Have you never considered why tens (possibly hundreds) of thousands of girls have become utterly fanatical about these performers? Unless all of them are lesbians (unlikely, as they go to Manber) it's not like Suju or Shinee stans who are simply attracted to the performers. It is much more than "just a song" to them whether they realize it or not. Each song that 2NE1 releases is an icon of the ideals that they are pushing. I'm not judging just this song, I am judging the social current behind its making and its popularity.
ReplyDeleteMost other groups do keep things pretty shallow and at a "just a song" kind of level, yet what small meaning they do convey is usually some positive aspect of things we experience in life. However, 2NE1 always tries to "send a message" with their music, and so in addition to musical quality or lack thereof, I am also judging it according to that message. I am judging it for all of the good things of humanity that they consistently encourage young women to simply give up on. They want their music to make you think, thus I am doing so, just not to the end that they would want.
Please do make a practice of thinking. You'll make a better life for yourself and when you get to be my age it will be natural, not a chore, as it would seem to be how you currently view it. These messages I'm writing really take little effort or pondering to produce. They reflect the most basic of my insights into this group and the cultural motions they personify.
BJ 4 LIFE???
you're noming on penis right now?
@ 10:56 AM
ReplyDeleteemotions???? you mean like bom's face?
I think the song was kinda shit but that's just imo. The mv wasn't helping because I fail to see how wearing expensive clothing and being decked out in make-up is going to make people embrace and feel more confident in their true selves tbh. I dunno, but to me it just seems like they were inspired by throwback rock and roll and decided to make a song from it but it just didn't quite work with me. Also, if this song is for Koreans, I doubt they are going to understand a chorus that is fully in english? Not hating, just stating my opinion :/
ReplyDelete"koreans, I doubt they are going to understand a chorus that is full english"
implying this stops us english speakers from liking a song that is 98% in korean.
doubt koreans are this PUT OFF from that
That was the most awkward explosion I have ever seen.
ReplyDeleteMV was soooo boring; they had so much potential with it, but alas, twas wasted.
ReplyDeleteAnd the song.. I see where they were trying to go with it, but like others have said, just didn't work.
well, at least now they can say each song on the mini has an MV.
Lol you homos get trolled by YG all the time. Time to stop crying like the little pansies you are.....errrrrrbody so butthurt here.
ReplyDeletereminds me of Like a Pill by Pink
ReplyDeleteBecause of yg statement (regarding money) I was waiting THE shit.
ReplyDelete...? Total disappointment.
Only the chorus is worth listening to me and there's something wrong in it, so the song is by far not one of the best. Even worse than I am the best (at least this one was entertaining).
And first time I disliked bom's parts.
I must have dreamt. Someone compared it to the christina aguilera's beautiful ...?
ReplyDeletemiss A still owning 2ne1's asses...dun matter what song they release...dun matter if 100 2ne1 cans post 100 comments each on that akp article, miss A is going to deny these girls their right to win an award for being ugly
ReplyDelete^ so far I have liked majority of the songs from miss A's new album and this is probably the only song I have liked from 2NE1's releases lately. Which means that right now,
ReplyDeletemiss a's songs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2NE1's songs
ok, so this song is much better than I Am The Best and I prefer it over Hate You.
The music video is well shot and the outfits even though it's not pleasing to the eyes, it fit the whatever the concept they are going for and music video well.
and the "message" they are trying to send is so ironic and funny, specially that Plastic Zone sign in the video lol I am starting to see jokes being made from it.
is so funny how literally you guys depend on the blackjacks to make your posts xD
ReplyDeleteit's funny some compare 2ne1's new song to Pink while i see comments like "miss A owning 2ne1's asses" but Miss A's songs are total copycats of early 90's American pop songs i heard so many songs like those before, it's just that 2ne1 is just more current sounding and i also think Miss A's songs are all safety songs too bland they don't evolve they're stuck up in hole but better than typical cutesy songs from pretty girl groups.
ReplyDelete^fucking another delusional fan...all of kpop gets their inspiration from american tracks...
ReplyDeletewhat? are you too blind to see what 2ne1 takes their inspiration from?
"I also love how every new 2ne1 song automatically becomes the best song eva"
ReplyDeleteOMFG yes!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't sand it how Blackjacks are saying "this is greatest song ever" or "this is best song" only to say the same BULLSHIT 3 weeks later!!!!
there's no point in not having bom sing the chorus and i really can't wait to see dara blow it live.
ReplyDeletethat said, it's an okay song. for me, the production is a bit thin, but i like the message. is it rendered in a bland and shallow way? yeah, sure, but it's being released in korea, a country that places a higher standard on appearances than any other. so, i can't really expect it to resonate in the same way for me.
@6:01 did ur reading comprehension failed u? i stated 'it's just that 2ne1 is just more current sounding' meaning the american music influence is also there but compare to Miss A, 2ne1's music is current to american music scene...fuck off if u can't understand a simple statement!
ReplyDeletewhat are u too STUPID to read?
it's because 2ne1... are the BEST GIRL GROUP EVA!!!!111one
ReplyDeleteis 아저씨 dj? TOTALLY THE SAME
ReplyDeleteLOLLLLLLL you kids did not just bring JYP into this.
ReplyDeleteJYP realizes that the American pop scene went to shit and the only good stuff is from indie styles that don't stand a chance at having widestream popularity in Korea/Asia. He's stuck between a lot of people liking shit and yet personally having integrity as a music producer. I can respect the struggle and he's doing a damn good job at maintaining quality in genres that some are trying to eliminate while also moving enough records to keep going.
There is a huge difference between being one of the last people keeping a quality genre alive (FYI he was a songwriter/singer in the 90s) and making shitty rips of quickly passing trends. Thirty years from now you'll find many more classic songs in the JYP camp because of this and that is why he is not copying popular American producers but -working with them- for Wonder Girls new album. They know he's good, he knows they are popular, and he's trying to keep it all in balance.
^oh no, we have a resident jyp stan here...last time i checked, wonder girls flopped so hard, i had to wear my flippy floppies on a boat...
ReplyDeletethe american pop scene is live and well...
it's ever-changing...mostly as a vehicle for rebellious teenagers.
signs you are getting old: when you think the current american pop scene is shit.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOops... anyway...
ReplyDeleteAsians can't break America, it's still too racist to take them seriously. It is a fact and a lesson that he should have learned. Hold it against him as a businessman not a music producer. I didn't really like Wonder Girls new stuff (losing their best members and picking up shitty ones really didn't help) but miss A made up for that. I'm currently apprehensive and curious as to what the new Wonder Girls will be like.
I like how kids think "getting old" is synonymous with "wrong" when it comes to anything. In terms of musical taste, I can see how it worked that way long ago, when styles changed by the decade with each new generation of youth. However, we are now in the digital age and all music styles from all points in history are readily available. My generation wasn't like previous generations, being taught to only like one kind of music or hearing only one opinion. Rather, we got the internet, and not this web 2.0 social networking format where you find 50-200 people who think just like yourself and never learn anything.
I recommend you start exploring. Get a subscription service like zune or spotify and listen to albums from genres, countries and decades you never heard before. Perhaps after a few years you'll learn to recognize where various styles really originate from and develop some taste for what makes something good, no matter what the genre, and realize that the (mainstream) American pop scene truly is shit right now.
Eh, I thought it was pretty good. Not mind-blowingly awesome, but I'd bump it on a good day. It does sound Pink-ish, but I don't mind Pink, so no skin off my back.
ReplyDelete^but you sound so senile..
ReplyDeletei dunno man...i like my biebers and my katy perrys...and miley cyruses....and lady gagas
oh wait...there's far east movement....and jay sean...not asian enough for you =/
you can't say a country is racist...i mean that's the worst argument i've ever heard...
i mean just take a listen at bb by GD feat Park's like a freaken direct copy cat of the #1 song on billboards right now
It should also be noted that Cube was made to be a more modern/"young & fresh" style of pop. If you want the more experimental electronic styles, there you go. The 90s R&B flavor is more on J.Tune, more older-people-ish and ballad stuff on Big Hit, and 90s general/basic pop flavor more on the straight JYP label, though who knows WTF he's doing with Wonder Girls anymore.
ReplyDelete"you can't say a country is racist...i mean that's the worst argument i've ever heard..."
ReplyDeleteIt is a sad reality. If they have been thoroughly conformed to American culture they might stand half a chance to survive for a moment, but Americans still make a mockery of Asian culture on a widespread level. I didn't say they hate Asians, I said they don't take them seriously. And just to be clear, remember I am talking about a national acceptance here, to have a hit record, not whether or not there is some minority of Americans who would give them a fair chance.
"i like my biebers and my katy perrys...and miley cyruses....and lady gagas"
........yeah, we're done here.
im just saying that all songs have their appeal...even this 2ne1 wackjob... it's art; subject to their respective lovers and haters...
ReplyDeleteit's just that i hate these "2ne1 STANS" who are like sheep to YG entertainment
remember, this site is about shitting on delusional kpop stans....not the actual songs itself...
ReplyDeleteeven though half the posts here crap on
my main rant when i started with your post about jyp is that i don't like stans who kiss up to a label or even for a group; for that matter.
ReplyDeletejust listen to songs you want to listen to. it can be this 2ne1 song, or american pop, or eurotrash; or jpop; or whatever. but if you are supportive of specific labels or groups, it just means you are sheep and delusional to think that one band or artist is "better" than every other band or artist
i mean you never hear a 2ne1 fan dislike bigbang's music; all you hear is "i love 2ne1 and bigbang...daebak!!! yg is king troll"
ug just thinking about these yg stans makes me sick....
end rant
I was just saying (in response to the random trash talk that popped up) that JYP is far more competent than what was stated and anyone saying that he is just rehashing American pop from the 90s doesn't understand music or his strategy.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm a stan for any label it's DSP.
understandable =)
ReplyDeletenow when are you guys going to do the brave girl's new mv/song/rasta theme LOL
can we have new article to piss on pls... this yg/2ne1 stuff is getting old already i've seen to much already, i want new kpop shits, now those lazy ass authors should move on and post something new!
ReplyDeleteI'm eagerly waiting for Brave girl's new song even though the teaser scared me already but the girls are so sexy
wow who is that girl in your busy fappin' on yejin right now, but she can be my next target =4
ReplyDeleteI'm officially mother fucking DONE with 2NEwhores.
ReplyDeleteSong was a fucking bore fest. Even my younger sister said it sounded really familiar. And I was like, that's because it's very similar to about 39,4878 other songs.
They're wearing things that are considered ugly by society (clothes, tattoos, etc) in the beginning with the mask basically said they were embarassed by their appearance but then by taking off the mask it symbolized them accepting themselves. The signs all over the MV said "pretty girls only" "no ugly girls", they went in destroying everything.
ReplyDeleteThere was a mannequin with a sign "You're beautiful" above it symbolizing that you're only beautiful if you look like that which Minzy broke the window to "destroy" that image. The plastic zone wasn't plastic surgery but not being true to yourself/being fake they sing "I wanna be real i wanna be real". They threw paint onto the perfect "models" making them flawed and real. At the end they basically blew up the whole place as if saying screw the beauty standards and that i'm happy being myself. They know they aren't considered "pretty" by the koreans view of beauty and they don't care.
This MV had so much symbolism, it wasn't meant to be emo but to give strength to those who feel they must fit into some sort of "image" to be beautiful.
The song didn't match it at all though, it was weird. It was like the MV was doing something completely different than the song.
ReplyDelete@9:37 Why is a group that has one girl with huge amounts of plastic surgery and one useless girl who adds nothing but being pretty singing a song like this anyway? They're doing a good job of fitting the 'image'.
ReplyDeleteI think people are really overstating just how 'empowering' this is. Their stylists don't think their clothes are ugly, and their fans don't either. All they do is go on and on about how beautiful the girls are.
@9:57 The clothes are ugly. The fans who don't think it's ugly are just being delusional. Why can't they sing about it? You seemed to forget Bom was hated a lot before her plastic surgery, she got hate from Big Bang and Lee hyori fans for not being "pretty". Selena gomes, PINK, etc.. have sung songs like this and none of them are ugly either.
ReplyDeleteI don't like the song, it was pretty negative the entire time, they should have put something positive in there but the video was pretty good. Their voices sounded better here too and for once Dara didn't drag them down. If it had better lyrics to send the message across it would have been quite inspirational.
CL & Minzy are not considered pretty. So in a way it is nice that a not so good looking group has been able to get this much success. It shows that you don't have to fit a certain image to be successful.
I'm down with you guys hating on the blowjobs, but don't hate on my 2NE1 ANGELS. ^_^_^.
ReplyDeleteOver-rationalizing why you hate YG/2NE1 sounds just about as delusional as those blind, rabid fangirls.
ReplyDeleteYes. We get it. All YG music is a "rip off" of American pop music. Blah blah blah. K-pop music, in general, is also a "rip off" of American pop music—because Koreans didn't invent pop music. If you wanna rag on YG about ripping off American pop music, extend your ill will towards all K-pop groups, too.
All in all, good song. I get that the lyrics were a little "been there done that", but that's kind of the point, isn't it? Because it's a song about feeling "ugly", hence the title. Dara's singing was a nice surprise. I was expecting CL to monopolize the song.
I hate when Blackjacks are like "OUR girls" or "MY lovely ladies". It's disgusting.
@Ajusshi can we please get married?Your comments have just given me a girl boner.Im coming to SK and we are eloping.
ReplyDeleteIm laughing so hard at the mv hahah why are they in constant slow mo hahahahaha.I knew this mv was going to be like this,pushing this pseudo "Im an individual" thing when they,out of anyone in kpop, conform.
In my opinion,what they are doing,just like lady gaga is so predictable.She dresses up in wacky, wild outfits to try and shock us but the funny thing is,it isnt shocking any more.Its really just boring and we are already anticipating it,just like i anticipated this mv.
It would have been nice to see them really try something else with this mv.Its like every tacky outfit they've ever worn,every emo,scene kid,goth kid and BJs took laxatives and shat all over this mv.
They could have tried a clean approach,lets see them bare faced in regular clothes being "raw" to really convey the message of the insecurities we as people sometimes have, to the person watching,instead we have this almost contradictory MV pushing a concept that im not even sure about?
So uncle are you keen?
i hate this song so much but I actually liked hate you and could stand I am the best
ReplyDeleteall 2NE1 song sucks balls except DARA's fresh vocal parts.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! Dara stans are either deaf and just DELUSIONAL! like seriously! just because now she has more lines on 2ne1's song they freak out and go "OMG OMO! so beautiful she's so pretty and her voice is so beautiful! BJ 's 4ever! the song's the best!"
ReplyDeletepuleassssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! fresh vocals my ASS!
ReplyDelete2NE1 and some YG babies are good imho.. but damn.. 'i am the best' makes me want to cringe all day.
ReplyDelete2NE1 is legit any day but some songs are just FUCK.
bLOWJOBBERS(blackjackS) need to live up to their fanclub name and just give blowjobs for food. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteive read through the lyric of the song and its all emo whining, how is that empowering girls?
ReplyDelete@kommienezuspadt, someone's mad. lol
ReplyDeleteNobody said a damn thing about YG music being the only rip off in all of mother fucking Kpop. What was said is that BlowJobs act like YG always comes up with the most original shit when he doesn't. You don't see many (if any) SM fans saying that about SNSD or SHINee, they are AWARE those songs are rip offs. Fucking DUH.
@liley Sorry, I'm betrothed to Nicole.
ReplyDeleteNicole,who is Nicole? Im up for polygamy.
Can someone smack those BlackJacks already where it hurts? Their ignorance is making people sick.
ReplyDeletereally really don't like 2ne1...this song is really superficial cuz there are ALOT of people who aren't ugly on the surface but yet they still feel ugly on the inside...and it reminds me of the kind of song P!nk did with F**king perfect and that's alot better than this 2ne1 shit
ReplyDeleteI actually like 2NE1 but I definitely have to agree with you there.
ReplyDeleteTheir "UGLY" video was boring as hell compared to "I Am Best" and Ugly is the title track! They barely did much shit in the video. They didn't even sing.
I left a comment saying this and all BJs marked my comment as spam lol
Firstly, 2NE1 really got me into k-pop. I liked SNSD, but it was 2NE1 that hooked me (Minzy in particular). As of this song... I wash my hands of them. I can't take it anymore.
ReplyDelete"These girls consistently promote two ideas:
1) Outward appearance and behavior doesn't matter.
2) It is acceptable, even good and cool, to be an angry ball of spite inwardly."
"Note to insecure girls aka 2NE1 stans: Being angry doesn't mean you are confident. Wearing fashion that is rough on the eyes doesn't mean you are tough. Yelling at men won't make them like you. Before you try to make others realize that it's what is on the inside that counts, you should probably first make sure there is something pleasant to be found there."
"I know I know they were "being sarcastic" or something but if they were they should have been smiling more in the vid (really only CL smiled) like "yeah so what i'm ugly *or so you call me that* but I still love myself and am happy in my own skin. They just pouted around singing i'm so ugly i'm so ugly.
"This vid would have been really awesome if they did a contrast with like them being the "ugly" ones but they were all happy and confident and in control while they had maybe the dancers in the sexy-like outfits as the pretties but they were so generic and boring and the ones with image issues."
"Also, why tf are they insisting that they are ugly its like those people who just want sympathy/attention. someones telling you you aren't now its just you putting yourself down.
MV was soooo boring; they had so much potential with it, but alas, twas wasted."
IDIOTS!! The lyrics are just using a figurative language called IRONY...especially in the Chorus... OMG people are so prejudiced nowadays=_=
ReplyDeleteLOL song about them .. its all thrue they ugly: CL look a like pig! MINZY look a like gorila! BOM Botox victim! DARA skelet with hair LMAO sorry fans but they are uglies k-pop group in all korea! and about the song: they copy pink and avril and i love them i wasnt 2NE1 hater but now i can say FUCK U 2NO1 U NOOBS! im sure they are reading comment about them and i hope they will see this!!! antikpopfangirl ! you are something with something u rock! ( yodaime )
ReplyDelete( yodaime ) they are copyng p!nk now and they srsly suck!
ReplyDeletelol you arguing bitches are stupid as hell
ReplyDeleteLmao I thought this song sucked ass