Friday, July 22, 2011

The truth about YG stans: DELUSIONAL

I'm writing this in response to Lickmypunani's post about SM stanners, and answering the request of many in that article for a "truth about YG stanners" post. The general consensus is that SM stanners are crazy and I agree, those bitches are, but arguably the most delusional fans, not just in kpop but in all the world, yes THE WORLD are YG Stans.

I know what some will think or say. "You’re just a hater" or "you're pressed" or "you're an anti."

Hater I am not.

Pressed? Maybe, but it's not my fault, they did this to me.

YG anti? You bet yo ass.

This post is necessary. We need to expose this group and then after a little lynching perhaps, ok maybe not.

Now with all of that said, I will try my hardest to use all that I learned in journalism school, and not give just my opinion about YG stans but give you guys evidence of their delusions. COLD HARD FACTS!

YG stans have this warped view of YG IDOLS and of the “talent” they possess. Lawd knows there is nothing a YG stan enjoys more then to hype up their bias, NOTHING. And of course one would argue that every fan does this, but YG stans take it to another level.

As proof I’d like to call in 2NE1BLAQBANG as my first witness (taken from akp YG will tackle the American market “within the next year or two” )

See people, I'm not crazy, and you know what makes this even scarier is that they actually believe THIS BULLSHIT!!

This poor hopeless sod lives his/her life thinking like this. I actually feel sorry for them, because this is a clear sign of brain damage. No one of sound mind would even think of saying, “GD is a genius at producing and making music as well as writing lyrics. HIS MUSIC IS DEFINITELY MEANINGFUL AND AMERICA NEEDS RAPPERS (this lil fucker called him a rapper, FUCK!!!!) OR A GROUP WHO MAKES MEANINGFUL SONGS.This shit is as offensive as them calling Big Bang hip hop.

How about this?

“Let’s face it, America has a lot of potential for music, but the ones that get released and become famous are people with LITTLE OR NO TALENT AND OVERUSE AUTOTUNE”.
Oh, the fucking irony. Yes, bash the very industry and country that influences your fucktard idols. This Gay-Dragon you praise so much is majorly influenced by America: the music, the dancing and the pseudo flamboyance. Kanye rip-off anyone? Too bad he doesn’t have the talent to match. On the irony point, I find YG stans have no sense of it at all. All the shit they spew is steeped with irony but they don't see it. *shrugs*

Another great example.

I wouldn't have such a problem with GD or the shit he makes if people didn’t act like it was revolutionary and new. His “music making” ability is mediocre and really shitty at times. Have you heard what that “genius” produces? Same repetitive fast paced beats on every damn song. Don’t believe me? Go have a listen (one after the other) to “Haru Haru,” “Lies,” “Tonight,” and the shittiest song he has ever written “Love Song.” Fucking hell, I hate that song. They all sound the same. “Cafe” is one of the few decent songs he’s written; he almost ruined it by trying to be the Asian Maxwell. Fuck outta here.

It’s scary to know that no one else gets their balls tickled and sucked half as much as GD, just ask Myungsoo when he comes up for air. Bish is sucking GD’s dick all day, err’ day.

Another thing YG stans are incapable of doing is spazzing about their idols without bringing down other idols. They will shit all over other idols saying shit like “Big Bang writes their own music unlike your oppa who sucks.” Yeah they do, but it’s not Grammy winning material. “YG makes real music, unlike your >other company mainly SM<” or my personal favourite “YG has artist and not Idols, yes Bigbang and 2ne1 are artist, they are originals even adidas says so.”

Our groups set trends and they lead,
Haters are on us like fleas
you hate us coz we cocky,
but we don't like you either
......we're YG stans
......they're cheerleaders~

Yeah sure, unicorns and leprechauns exist.

“YG family is better in every way, they are not fake, they have real personalities unlike your idols,fake bitches”

"Real" and "YG" shouldnt be in the same sentence. Grandma Park Bom anyone?

Plastic fa-freakin-tastic

This is accurate.

Or even better.
credits : iyou.

I would say something about Dara fans but we have posts about Dara's cray cray fans so I won't waste your time.

I find CL fans aren't as bad, except for the tard who said "CL is the best girl rapper that will ever enter the kpop industry."

Yg stans don’t suck this fuckery out of their thumbs, they get it from that creep and douche nozzle, Yang Hyun Suk.

“The reason YG Entertainment has been so passive with international advancements was because we spent a lot of time on the production of music. We wanted to take the music we were doing in Korea over to the Japanese and European market.”

That fucker brown-nosing himself. They don’t quit.

I know I look pressed, but the thing is, I used to like Big Bang in the beginning when I first got into K-pop. I even spazzed with the fans when GD& TOP released their album. I was genuinely excited and I kinda stan 2NE1, but now I see these assholes for what they really are. A bunch of retarded little fangirls and boys who don’t know jack shit about music but pretend they do, just because they have GD’s album on replay. If I were to ask them who Afrika Bambaataa is, they wouldn’t know. Who MC Lyte is, who Erykah Badu is, who Mos Def is? They wouldn’t know, but they have the gall to brand YG IDOLS as artists; this shit, more than anything else, really pisses me off.

And thus ends my rant. If it’s not long enough for you, I'm sorry but I'm kinda buzzed from the wine I was drinking while writing this. If it's too long, I'm sorry I'm kinda buzzed from the wine I was drinking while writing this. If you’re a YG stan and hate this post, then my job is done, the good lawd can come and take me home. Amen.

Oh and hi! I'm Liley the Hangeng of this blog. No, more like Kyuhyun.


  1. Just beautiful. Especially that Bom picture.

    1. and yet you have the picture of a plastic as your DP.

  2. I don't care, I'd make sweet gay love to Park Bom and lift my head up high.

    Oh, and 2NE1 is da shieezzznit. I feel like I have to defend on this website for all the BJ's. Hopefully if I back up 2NE1 long enough, I'll get a BJ from a BJ.

    lol huh

  3. *waiting with popcorn for BJs to attack*

    YG is the biggest troll ever. Big Bang is not well known in Japan.They only have a niche market. 2NE1 flopped in Japan and he's talking about taking over US market within 2 yrs. LOL!! Keep trolling.

    Wait you forgot about BJs arrogance over 2NE1 all kills on online charts. They are shitting over missA blocking 2NE1 right now.

    1. all kpop fans are delusional and so are you with your missA. what's your point?

  4. "Hopefully if I back up 2NE1 long enough, I'll get a BJ from a BJ."
    Go on ahead get yours.


  6. I was like the biggest vip out there but their latest music is soooooo fucking boring and gds fashion is just tacky (i used to love him, i still like "a boy"s lyrics and a couple of songs more but thats it, he doesnt even make ok songs right now) -.-
    What I hate about yg, aside from their delusional fans, is that they dont use their aritsts talents at all. I mean, at least sm uses their full potencial. Lets compare dancers for example, taemin works with amazing choreographers and good rutines and that made him improve A LOT but they totally ignore minzys dancing skills and that will impair her actual skills (like when you learn a lenguage but you dont use it dialy and then you start to forget it . It happens the same with daes vocal talent, in sm the lead singers have the most lines in a song (obviously) but not in bigbang. That annoys me and they still they are the best and that nobody can touch them.
    Sm idols are much better at being IDOLS. They are actually funny on shows and have better image. SOme of them are totally talentless bitches but at least they are pretty/handsome to compensate

    1. right, since when is lip syncing and having a plastic face considered a talent? BTW big bang isn't trying to an idol (perhaps when they first started not anymore).

  7. I do agree on some parts. Some YG stans are delusional. But you're generalizing them. I'm pretty sure there's a small percentage of mellows and long time supporters (err like me) but they're not delusional ( at least I think I'm not lol).

    Just because I support Big Bang and 2ne1 doesn't mean I like every music they spurt out. I have my preferences, likes and dislikes. If I hate a song, its that enough for me stop myself from supporting them since I know there's room for improvement.
    Big Bang right now is experimenting and 2ne1 well..they're making use of the trend as of now which is autotune (nothing wrong as long as they don't overuse it Cough*Busy/Can't Nobody/Clap your Hands*Cough)

    Oh, you forgot to mention, YG elitism. :)

  8. typo- I meant it's NOT enough for me to stop supporting them XD

  9. Should have used my pic instead!

  10. I know not all YG fans are like this,but it doesnt help when most of your stan mates are. Like not every SM stanner is crazy,but it doesnt help when you have 14 year olds representing you.

    Oh guys if i mention any of the other things,this post would go on for eons.Ive already spent to much of my day thinking about crey YG more please!!

  11. *round of a fucking plause*

    *tears of amazement*

    *throws mass amounts of flowers at your body*

    we must be brothers. i am certain that we are brothers. it sounds as if we lead the same life. you are definetly in my top 3 writers here. beautiful article. keep it up (Y)

  12. oh and i couldnt agree more. they are the reason why i went from a fan to YG hater. those stans need to shut their delusional elitist asses up.

  13. Ironically most 'YG stans' only give a fuck about 2NE1 & BB. Ask them if they ever listened to 1TYM/Lexy/Jinusean/Masta Wu/Big Mama and they're like 'who?'


    1. actually most have heard of them

    2. why do you care so much about YG stans?

  14. How can they talk about American singers overusing auto-tune when half of 2NE1's songs could have been sung by Microsoft Sam and still sound the same.
    America needs meaningful songs? Come back when YG has the Bon Iver of Korea on their roster.

  15. @anon 9:41 id love to be your bro but my girly parts are going to have a problem accepting that, but thank you though :)

  16. @suckmydee - Lexy and Big Mama are actually former artists of YG. You forgot Gummy, Psy and Se7en :)

    The most active ones are Big Bang and 2ne1 so I guess, its natural most YG stans (most I think are new to kpop) aren't that aware of other artists from YG.

  17. Hmm... what bothers me most about YG is how he believes the hype his delusional stans give him. Take 2NE1 for example. People think they are the shit because of all of the all kills they get. If they released all of those songs at the same time when the album drops like most artists then they wouldn't have nearly as many. But don't tell YG or BJ's that. People also say that they are special and YG cares about them because he wants them to rest instead of promoting them. They might not go on music shows but YG finds other ways to pimp the fuck out of his artists like promoting them by shoving them in your face before the song comes out and if you ask me, the fact that they don't get out much on programs imo shows that he actually has a pretty tight leash on them, especially 2NE1. It's all an illusion. All companies are the same, just shady in different ways, YG ain't different or special.

  18. 2NE1's music always reminded me of a bad korean TLC tbh. I dunno why, just the vibe i get off of it when I listen.

  19. Good stuff. First Bom picture really gives the right effect, I was appalled by that shit and I was even expecting it.

    BRB, eye bleach.

  20. I am a YG fan but lol your blog gave me a good laugh. I ain't even affected by it. xD some are true some are not. But I guess you generalize too much. There are still many sane YG fans out there. XD

  21. I find it really stupid how some people stopped listening to 2ne1 & bb because of the stans. I mean, I like (almost) all their songs and label myself as a Bj & vip because I like the group, not the fandom.
    And, it's not because they are overrated that they NOT talented.
    Last point, I don't care if they are ugly or pretty (or plastic), I listen to music with my ears not my eyes.

    End ~~

  22. The most talented in that company unfortunatly are the ones less recognized by the public...

  23. @PiouPiou, How do you define their talent? Fine, Big Bang has some members who write some lyrics and songs but 2NE1...? I find them pretty overrated even though I like them. I mean, they are not the best singers in the industry, they are not the best rappers in the industry, they are not the best danccers in the industry, they are not the best _______ in the industry... Honestly, I really liked them a lot when they debuted. As a rookie singer, they were confident and fierce. They performed well and sang well for a rookie group. But now, whatever talent they may have, it's all buried under flashy outfits and make-up, loud beats and autotuned voices. Only because they release songs like Lonely (with a live band) that I remember they're still capable of doing a lot better. But I think it's time for a musical change for the group. Take note, YG!! & Teddy!!

    And yeah, I listen with my ears too (which is why you won't find very many idol songs in my ipod. They are fun to watch on TV, but to solely listen to them is awful, even the CD version.). Park Bom is.... sigh.... a lost cause. I pray every time that she doesn't look any worse at the next album... But to be fair, she looks a bit better with less make-up. Too much make-up makes her eyes disappear, lol.

  24. If you're Hangeng, are you gonna have to ditch the website and start a solo career? :o

    Thumbs up for the Seth Cohen facepalm!

    Most 'YG Stans' only give a fuck about those 2 because YG promotes them like they're the only 2 groups in the company.

  25. Liley, Thumbs up for the last Park Bom picture. The comparison with plastic bag reminded me of an older post you guys made about Kwanghee.

  26. @anon 10:57
    I might.If they make me sign a 13-year contract
    and make me do things i dont want,like making me to bleach my hair.Shits not going to fly!

  27. Those two are the money makers for YG, they are going to promote them like crazy.
    I like some of their songs, both 2ne1 and big bang, but the yg stans just ruin the experience for me. They are the epitome of a stan that over-embilshed their thoughts which by the way is supported by their fucking ignorance. As I always say, both YG groups are the most overrated groups ever in kpop thanks to their fucking stans. Se7en is more pleasing to my ears then those two groups

  28. @anon 11:24 its not mine :( the genius behind it is iyou.

  29. this sounds like one of those submissions on kpopsecrets.
    Only difference they don't need to insert stupid gifs and macros to emphasize their Point( or even worse to be funny )

  30. All of the big 3 are shady and built around an illusion imo. If their idols didn't have the (insert company name here)label to back them up, they wouldn't be nearly as acknowledged for their talent by fans, especially since there are so many more talented artists out there.

    YG's idols are overrated and their fans elitists but SM still takes the cake imo. Especially since they house arrogant overrated assholes like Jonghyun. I may not like JYP (company's shit imo with shit artists mostly) and he may have his crazy stans too but at least out of the "big 3" many of their fans admit they don't stan them for talent. Whether that's good or bad, well I guess it could go both ways...

  31. Delusional fans are delusional~ not just YG but so is SM and JYP fans. and saying this as a WG fan..i find it funny that other WFs actually think WG will make an impact in US with their new album.

  32. I suppose I'm too old to get very worked up over these sorts of things. Though, I do wonder how anyone can listen to 2NE1 or BB without CL and GD's voices completely ruining it for them. Go one way (Taeyang, Seungri) or the other (TOP) but this half-rap/almost-singing thing is so grating to the ears. Minzy knows how to flip between the two, but I guess Minzy and CL really can't sing.

    Also on the topic of fake personalities, it is a must. No one is genuinely "up for it" and we all fake something for our job. Yet as we do, it also becomes a part of who we are, an ability that is difficult to uphold but can be done for a time. It's just like athletics in terms of being "in the zone" except by way of social application of oneself. For example, TOP is a shy person with insecurities about his ability to make friends. He pushes out of that personality for the public, just like any other idol with their respective challenges.

  33. End of 1st paragraph: *GD and CL

    1. too old and yet you follow 2NE1 and BIGBANG like a 14 girl with raging hormones

  34. I am so upset right now I just feel like crying.....


  35. hardly yg stans...the rest of the yg family sans big bang and 2ne1 are irrelevant to most people.

    old school yg > new school yg, where new school yg = big bang + 2ne1.

  36. Your name is Liley! I thought it was iiley all this time and was like htf do I say this...

  37. Oh, and Liley, oppa can help you. Since you asked, even though you hate Hyuna, I have prepared full editorial changes if you want to see and/or use them to improve your article. Get AKF to give you my email.

    (That's right folks, the staff doesn't even have each others' contact info. We're so professional!)

  38. ^ loool the newer staff don't , which makes sense.

    and @liley: nice article haha , but i still think SM stanners are worse than YG's because YG's artists at least generally have some semblance of talent whereas SM artists don't (imo.) and do yu mind if i go in and edit the grammar issues a bit ? i'm a bit of a grammar freak haha so no offense intended

  39. No cause I don't even have the old staffs info -_- but could just be the outcast...

  40. @baybee most of my changes are grammatical. I could just send them to you so don't have to do the scan & rewrite work.

  41. let's see which liley prefers haha. i don't think it has to be all professional or whatnot because the blog isn't for profit. i just saw a couple things that caught my eye , is all[x

  42. Can't stand bom.
    Has a decent voice but anyone that says she's pretty is in complete denial. I've seen rubbermaid containers at walmart that are as pretty as her.

  43. Well, I'm the only one who knows how to contact everyone lol.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. yep yep yep sooooo agree with you VIPs like SONES tend to be very delusional and hypocrites and act like NO American artist can compare to them.

    I get their point but can the VIP who says rap has no meaning, please just GTFO if

  46. ^ AKF is our mob boss: Confirmed.

  47. been waiting for this post

  48. It's even more annoying when those so called ''YG'' Stans don't even have a clue who jinusean stonyskunk big mama perry lexy etc. etc. is. all they know is big bang 2ne1 se7en (and if their brain remembers more psy gummy and maybe 1 or 2 more) Stupid stanners being retarded. just as retarded as some SM bandwagonners not knowing who BoA is. or thinking TVXQ/SNSD/whatever smfuckgroup is the best J/K-pop artist ever since forever/whenever/however.

  49. hell yes.....finally an article about these YG stans...

    listen very closely, you yg stans:

  50. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholders.... so for the comment that said that people who think Bom is ugly is in denial...... STFU :)

    PS: Bigbang songs suckss monkey asss, just like super junior :P

  51. Thats not denial dude, majority rules and majority says she is ugly as freddie kruger.

    beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but that is a personal belief. majority rule is a wide set standard.

  52. i don't get it why people can stan so much about 2ne1 or snsd...... like really really stan them and bad mouthing other groups.....

  53. Yes majority rules but he said ANYONE who think Bom is pretty is in denial.
    That's a bit going too far cause I think she's gorgeous and no, i'm sure i'm not in denial. See, if people said CL and Minzy is gorgeous than i think they're in denial :P

  54. I live in Australia so i dont know if BigBang will become famous there or not, but i know to alot of people, Kpop is just a passing fad, only a select handful including myself regularly keep up to date.

    The only thing i like about BigBang is Taeyangs' essence of... "Taeyanginess" The cute and sexy mother fucker.

    A fraction of these VIP people are just people who just want to be different, like hipsters but with kpop, And once Kpop becomes popular what are they gonna say? "Kpop has become mainstreamed and fake"
    And it is always VIPs who i have this argument with.

    Big bang:
    GD- Talentless, overrated guy who, due to all the false encouragement, thinks he is 'TEH SHIZZNIT'
    Taeyang- can i touch your body in inappropriate ways?
    Seungri-...i dont know anything about you
    Daesung- nuff' said
    T.o.p- you have a deep voice
    This is reality, but VIPs love to add things such as, talented, genius, fashionista, creative, independent and inspirational to the words above.
    And to the ones who think BigBang is huge in Japan; They will never be able to compete with Arashi, never, or any Japanese Group.

    Now, i have hope for 2NE1, if they remained animated for the rest of their career, and became a dance group.


    Now if you will excuse me, im going to go work on my Kara sign for the Sydney Kpop Festival

    1. agreed! however you forgot to add that TOP is as hot as hell

  55. It's always these really vocal fans making everyone else look bad. I feel embarassed to even consider myself a Sone even though I was a fan since the beginning and still buy their music. I would never say that ____ group is the best because none of them are.
    Once they're the "best" they stagnate because there's nothing to improve on.

    What irks me is delusional fans say 2NE1 is how all girl groups should be as if "cute" is the only fake image.

  56. Can I be your best friend, Liley? We share the same passion for hating 2ne1 and Bigbang(i cant say i hate YG, they have Goo Hye Sun and Psy).

    Beuty is in the eye of the beerholder, so i cant say anything about people who think Park Bom, CL and Minzy are pretty(sometimes, i think CL is hot)

    1. spend your time hating on people that don't even know you exist. Want a brownie?

  57. That first comment is so confused. 2ne1 are pretty awful at singing and dancing at the same time.

  58. completely off subject question, but are you black, Liley? it would be great to meet another black kpop fan! (there aren't many of us lol)

  59. "YG Anti, you bet yo ass;"

    god i loved this post. and the plastic bag picture of bom cracked me up.

    as a person who grew up on hip hop and rap, i just feel it's so insulting when people praise fucking YG GROUPS and bash american rap (or practically any other rap that's not korean or asian). it's like these people only started listening to rap when they discovered Big Bang. AND CL IS THE BEST FEMALE RAPPER IN KOREA? Yoon Mirae must laugh everytime she sees that.

  60. @Anon 8:50: i'm black. there you go you met another black kpop fan lol.

  61. have you seen bom's older sister she's also a idol
    to lazy to make a family photo

  62. The only country that actually appreciates 2ne1 is the Philippines. Then again, they ONLY want Dara and couldn't care less for the others.

  63. "Now, i have hope for 2NE1, if they remained animated for the rest of their career, and became a dance group."

    ROFL, if only this would happen then it'd be fucking great.

    @9:26PM: so true lol, i live here in the Philippines, but i don't really get the hype on why other Filipinos care about Dara, she doesn't have any talent, can't sing nor act. All she does is act cute and look stupid.

  64. SO FUCKING TRUE. I think I fucking love you liley. O_______O

    Please fly here to the Philippines and spread your gospel. lulz. :)

  65. I've seen that username before. That person is also pretty famous for shoving the "YG greatness" down other people's throats at the drop of a hat. I don't think he/she should be taken too seriously. As an admitted YG stan, I like to steer clear of people like that.

    I like Big Bang, 2NE1, Gummy, Se7en, 1TYM, Jinusean... And I can maybe see 2NE1 and GD&TOP (not Big Bang because boy groups are just not big unless you're a rock group) doing alright in America. But TAKING OVER?

    LOL WUT.

    My fellow YG stans need to learn and accept what I have a long time ago: Not everyone is going to agree with you.

    If you absolutely need your bias to be number one all over the world or else you'll have a hissy fit and go apeshit on the internet, you don't deserve to call yourself a fan. Appreciating their music and supporting them by legally purchasing their work is the best way to stan any group.

    NOT bitching to other people about your BB is greater than every other musician on earth. I love GD, but even I know he's not the greatest rapper out there—or producer.

    TL;DR. Gomen. -_-

  66. @anon July 22 9:15 PM, rather than Bom's sister I think that's her in the future!! :D

  67. uncle and blackbelt edit away,but in my defence i was drunk.Lightweight. To the anon who asked about my race,yes im black and from the motherland hahaha south african.Wow three kpop loving black girls on one blog,thank you interweb.

  68. I love you. Sincerely, anon.

  69. It's understandable why many Filipinos like Dara. It's because she has not forsaken the Philippines.

  70. @liley and @friglet
    never thought i'd see the day! i totally thought i was the only one lol nice to meet you!

  71. SM stans are currently creaming themselves over this.
    As much as YG has crazy stans they also have normal fans that balance them out, something I find lacking in other fandoms.
    If I could get Big Bang and 2NE1 in a room, even with basic knowledge of the industry, I could make a long list of improvements, but at least they have some potential.

  72. Sorry 아저씨 but Minzy is probably the best singer in 2NE1.

  73. Yes, that's the point I was making. Keep working on that reading comprehension.

  74. You wrote "Minzy knows how to flip between the two, but I guess Minzy and CL really can't sing."
    If it was sarcasm, the internet makes that hard to interpret.
    How about you work on your reading.

  75. Humm... no blackjacks have really attacked this article....

  76. The next message right after that one has the correction for the typo. I guess you spazzed out when your precious Minzy was insulted and just replied right away, eh?

  77. -edited. i just went through and did the cursory stuff that immediately caught my eye , but it's presentable haha


  79. My thing with YG stans is they want their IDOLS(yes idols not artists) to be so big and "conquer the world" but don't want you to say jack -ish about them.
    And you seriously want them to enter the american market?
    Some people will take a 2sec look at them and voice every bad thing they see and not give a *bleep* Are these stans going to to fight the whole world when that happens???

  80. This is f.ucking awesome, man!
    So well explained..
    Well yeah, admittedly, I listen and like some of Big Bang songs but YG stans are just purely dumb and delusional, reckoning that they would conquer the world with that kind of music they have.. Uhm yes, they are decent but not even that great to be considered as passable in the industry of the Western world.. :))
    Do you have twitter, I'll be more than happy to follow you. At least, someone is sane enough to notice all this bull$hit :D

  81. Let's all enjoy 2ne1's amazing talent.

  82. if SMEnt is the posterchild of what a K-pop entertainment company must never do, then YG is the copycat. That of course reflects on the stans.

  83. I'm a big YG fan, but I do agree with some points made. As much as I will like to see YG artists here in the States, I don't necessarily think they can make it big. Everyone's opinions differ, anyway.

  84. @Antidelusionalkpopfanism You too!? I thought I was the only outcast. ;__;

  85. Even as a YG stan (and a black one at that, and I have 1TYM and Swi.T's discography on my mp3 player and YG himself and Seo Taiji along with Big Bang, & 2ne1 (who I like-hate) (would have more Wheesung, Se7en, Gummy, and the rest on here beyond the anniversary albums but I'm outta room)), I must admit, I was chuckling my way down the page. Yes, unfortunately fans like the AKP examples above do give the chill ones (who actually listen to Kpop and American pop pre-2008 and don't jerk off to SNShitD and Katy Perry) bad representation. I agree with anon 7/25/11 2:50pm. As much as I'd like for them to try a stint here, well... Look at Se7en. 'Nuff said. At least with the Wonder Girls and BoA, I knew they existed -even marginally!

    There are locos and locas kissing the Big 3's feet and there are the sane ones that like some of their artists and some of their music, but probably wouldn't save their piggy bank money for them. Sad the ones that are loco la cabeza (crazy in the head for you non Spanish speakers) are usually the loudest.

  86. dude Love Song is awesome but only if you combine it with the camera work in their live performances

    i admit there is something lacking in the song itself although I also admit it is a guilty pleasure

    also though, if Will.I.Am says that he will make 2NE1 big, they probably will be. It's as simple as Will making a song and adding "ft.2NE1" to the credits and if it's a hit (which it will be, because it's Will and people love shitty music) 2NE1 has their break. Kind of. Unfortunately YG will fly them back to Korea after a few months and ruin any momentum they have. I'm calling it 2 years before it actually happens.

    Big Bang on the other hand, should learn English first lol

    the real mystefying thing to me is how when Jay Park got released from his contract in 2PM and was just chilling around in Seattle he didn't explored any US opportunities. Goddamit, like OMARION HAS 3 ALBUMS. COME ON. He's like KPOP's only real chance, a guy with actual dance and moderate singing ability and who looks good. He's the only real shot at a credible performer and his career could end up like Usher's if he embraced song writing and producing and hard work (which he has)(slightly).

  87. Fuck, I love you... I consider myself a fan of BB and 2NE1 but, dammit, I'm not blind!
    People seem to think that GD is like this musical prodigy! Fuck that! I can honestly say if I put Haru Haru, Lies, and Tonight together it would sound the same! Hell, when I'm listening to my iPod and it comes up, I can never tell which one I'm getting until the lyrics roll in!

    I will say, I actually like "Love Song" and I like the M/V even more but, shit, I'm not stupid... I know prodigy when I see it and GD is nowhere near it! He's my bias in BB and I know where to draw the line...

    Lol! Slap Will's name on anything over here and it's a fucking hit. *cough* OMG *cough*

    As much as I love BB and 2NE1, I know they will do okay at best. They will not become Beyonce or Usher like all the YG stans think...

  88. I'm a Big Bang fan..not gonna lie there because some of their stuff is pretty good but I've gotten really sick of it. And i've gotten sick of the whole fangirl bit of YG FAMILY TOUR...cuz 1. that's a SHITLOAD of money to do. 2. what countries are you gonna go to? 3. that would mean that YGE would be out of the music scene for a LONG ASS TIME.

    GD is a GOOD producer/writer think cuz the beats on the songs are pretty good but I don't think he's the best though at rapping or song writing. I've come to realize that all of kpop is basically songs about LOVE or how their GONNA BE THE BEST or ARE the best...nothing else. And it's not even like they've been through alot of crap in their lives except having a broken heart... Also, in response to 2ne1's new mv for Ugly..gonna be honest and say I feel like I've heard songs like that before already from and they will NEVER be able to pull off a punk look cuz they AREN'T punk singers. and i'm just gonna say that I am NOT a 2NE1 fan..just dont like any of their stuff cuz i feel like their trying to copy american artists..

    As much as I like Big Bang, I don't think they'll be THAT successful in America simply because...
    1. there are still a SHITLOAD of racist white people in america who actually hate the whole asian invasion kind of idea
    2. American music goes beyond the scope of Love. Like Eminem, he's famous because of his STORY. and he actually has one like his drug addiction or how his dad walked out on him and that's stories that ALOT of people can relate too. Eminem is the greatest rapper because of his lyrics and how he can spit a rhyme faster than probably ANYONE. Or there's Lupe Fiasco whose song The Show Must Go On has lyrics that are RELATE ABLE cuz poverty is a HUGE issue in the United States.
    3. Even IF Big Bang did come to america, they would needa learn English first and have it down pat with almost no accent.
    4. Punk Music is on the rise now in America. Like Bands like All Time Low, Mayday Parade, and other bands like that who are on the Warped Tour are HUGE right now and i think they're gonna be there for a while.

    To the people who say that American Music is crap..honestly there are ALOT of Justin Bieber fans and he actually ISNT THAT BAD. and like someone said earlier..AT LEAST AMERICAN ARTISTS HAVE THEIR FANS BUY THEIR MUSIC cuz if you REALLY WERE A FAN THEN YOU WOULD SPEND YOUR OWN FUCKEN MONEY AND BUY THE MUSIC LEGALLY AND NOT DO SHADY SHIT ON THE INTERNET.

  89. Is Park Bom the blue bag? It must be, since it looks prettier than the left picture.

  90. @ anonymous 5:25 The learning English w/o having an accent seems like an impossible feat...

    I really didn't want to comment as the YG Stan, VIP (Big Bang) and Black Jack (I just keep thinking Blow Job Blow Job when I see "BJ") that I am. I feel almost shamed by those crazed fans. I'm aware of their flaws (and I accept that) and I have legally bought YG music. I laughed at the Bom pics. So funny. I was gonna say some more stuff justifying my stan that we aren't all crazy... and some other things.... but I keep ridiculous for commenting the first place.
    - Wanted to add that G Dragon himself thinks he's overrated as well and doesn't consider himself a music prodigy at all and that it's just hype. I recall him saying so on a variety show. Do I believe him ? Call me crazy (eh, I've been trying to prove otherwise though...) but I believe him.

    Such a long comment where I didn't really say anything...

  91. As someone who couldn't stand pop before coming to Korea for two years I have to say 2NE1 and BIGBANG are different. They aren't: geniuses, the best looking kpop groups, the best singers or dancers but they sing catchy songs that don't make my ears cringe and they have charisma.
    Don't know about everyone else here, but I listen to music for the melody, lyrics and how well it's delivered- not for the looks, how funny a singer can be on a variety show, what company they've signed on to, etc. They are no Bob Dylan but they're the closest thing the kpop industry has to creating meaningful music.

    Yes, Korea has way better talented singers however it loves it's mainstream bubblegum pop. And frankly from all the kpop groups Big Bang and 2NE1 are the most talent. Other fandoms love their artists because of their "hotness or their aegyo"-- which is frankly quite shallow because you can't build a life long career on looks. Strip many of these other kpop groups from their outward appearance and place a mic under them and they make Justin Bieber sound like Andrea Bocelli.

    That said I am not saying JYP and SM don't have talented singers. The problem with SM is that they don't promote their singers ability enough - they market to teenage girls and gay teens hormones, and lest not forget the fapping ahjussis. JYP is a better at promoting talent however he doesn't get out of his comfort zone. He styles his music after whatever is popular in the kpop industry and just makes it just a little bit better.

    YG is not perfect but what music company is? It's artists at least aren't signed to SLAVE contracts and are at least given some vacation days. They are also given musical creativity which is the true definition of a musician unlike other companies that are just selling a product which will die out once their artists looks fade. BTW PSY and Tablo (A real genius unlike G-dragon) signed on~ both are known for their music not for their plastic faces and so called "chocolate abs" - which says a lot about the company.

    For the record I am a fan of 2NE1 and BIGBANG- I don't idolize them nor their company-- they are human and sometimes they release good songs and other times shitty songs,which is also true for any true artist e.g. U2 with "Get on Your Boots". Furthermore, I don't think they or any other Kpop group is going to take over the world either. I appreciate their music for what it is - catchy pop. I am not afraid to critize their musical style when it sucks. And whoever calls themselves a fan of any musician and never critizes them does that musician a disservice.

    Lastly, seems like whoever wrote this got butt hurt. Nevertheless I commend you for dedicating this much time to hate.


      Not all YG supporters are like that (dun wanna use the word "stan"). You don't throw away the entire basket of apples just cause you found some rotten ones among them. Don't generalize.

  92. then what's the difference between you and 'the delusional-fucker-dreamer YGstans' as you said? you're more crazy and obsessed with hating and bashing YG, wake up dude!

  93. A yeah later...
    You look like a dumbass becuase BB and 2NE1 just proved you wrong.
    They are on MTV and they are killing it in the States...

  94. it's been 1 year and you should eat your words now :D 2ne1 and bigbang both are having global tours in dozens of countries :D .

    OOOOHHHHH I ALMOST FORGOT : you're a hater ,and haters never eat their words. even if bigbang would be number 1 in 150 countries and you still won't fucking acknowledge it,because the truth hurts too much ;). I see, i see ;) ;) ;)

  95. I just found this blog by accident. LOL 2ne1 and Bigbang had gotten even more success from 2011 (that post is published) up to now (awards, world tours and stuff). (thats 5 YEARS LATER OMG) >_> oh well, I'm going to continue reading Forbes article about Bigbang (kpop top act earned $44 million). ciao :P proved you wrong haha P.S Music are for ears, not eyes.

  96. Hi! I am from the 2016. Currently, Bigbang is considered the KINGS OF KPOP.YG produced more talents like Winner, iKON and recently BLACKPINK with PAK just a day after debut. CL just released her US debut yesterday. Bom is alive and people love her despite everything. Dara is fucking EVERYWHERE. I'm sorry but I have to say this "IN YO FACE!"

  97. Hi! I am from the 2016. Currently, Bigbang is considered the KINGS OF KPOP.YG produced more talents like Winner, iKON and recently BLACKPINK with PAK just a day after debut. CL just released her US debut yesterday. Bom is alive and people love her despite everything. Dara is fucking EVERYWHERE. I'm sorry but I have to say this "IN YO FACE!"

  98. im sorry, but plz, all VIP arent that bad... some R delusional, mainly the twelve yr old wannabe fans, but hey, what is wrong with being a yg stan? I still love gd, and im a yg stan. and i dont find other companies any better so fck off

  99. Okay I don't hate yg.... But fuck you're right about everything. I think I love you.


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