I like Super Junior, really. BUT WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? If you're a fangirl saying you think oppa looks sexy, you know you're delusional as fuck.
The hair. It looks like he plopped a dead animal on his head, honestly.
A tube top made out of rainbow rope? Whose idea was that?
Newspaper-print boxers with fishnet tights? NO, REALLY, WHO THOUGHT OF THAT?
It's fucking summer. You don't need two jackets.
At least SME didn't stamp their name all over his body so we can see the lovely tube top Leeteuk is sporting. I can't wait for the next teaser, I need a good laugh. At least Super Junior is still bringing us entertainment.
This song better be the catchiest shit I've ever heard or else Super Junior's last album will be an embarrassing flop.
I think fangirls love girls who look like boys. This makes me wonder about most of those girls. I am guessing they are hidden lesbos.
ReplyDeleteLiquefying my eyeballs right now, are they TRYING to lose fans before they go to the army? Is this the grand evil plot?
ReplyDeleteLeeteuk says "Fuck yo disclaimer, I'm a an on a mission. FASHION JIHAD!!"
ReplyDeleteIt would seem they're taking the f(x) strategy of trolling as hard as possible.
i already hate this guy but this makes me want to hurt him. what the fuck... their stylists should be fired
ReplyDeleteI just noticed the waistband on his boxer-briefs says QUEEN.
ReplyDeleteI can't even....
ReplyDeleteHe looks as gay as Heechul now.
it kinda cracks me up how they're rocking this embarrassing avant garde look while plastered in all of these legal disclaimers. like, they are seriously being fucked with
ReplyDeleteto 아저씨...you dont really know about fashion do you? Its Mcqueen, a brand.
ReplyDeleteBut this look is just aaaaaargh
Can't wait until they show shindong teaser
ReplyDeleteI really do think they are going for a Drag concept. It's amazing how plastic surgery and all that shit going on with his hair and clothes doesn't make his face look any less disturbing. He is starting to rival Kwanghee imo.
ReplyDelete@5:47 Knowing about expensive brands and knowing about fashion are two different things, as Leeteuk here is demonstrating so well.
ReplyDeletei'm forever DISTURBED -_-
ReplyDeleteso is he cold or hot? underneath he's not wearing anything. but on top he's wearing two coats. i wouldn't be surprised if their concept is all of them just sucking each other off. heechul mainly doing the work of course. cause he wants to be a woman.
ReplyDeleteYou should not have to bite down on a tongue depressor before looking at a picture.
ReplyDeleteAgain, don't blame us fangirls for this shit. lol!
What the fuck is this shit.. He's wearing three pairs of boxers and fishnet stockings along with those double jackets and rainbow rope.
ReplyDeleteI like the colors and the background everything else is just a no he looks like a sexy troll with jandis
ReplyDeletemeant jaundice to much bronzer
ReplyDeleteIm a ELF but im realistic.... this is the worst teaser ever!!!
ReplyDeletethis is funny as shit. but it's like a "oh no he didn't just...!" kind of funny. sm is trolling elfs. they know they can wear WHATEVER and most fangirls will just take it. AND LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF IT.
Charles oppar is so hawt like amg.
ReplyDeleteGeng/Chul candidates must campaign as a pair
ReplyDeleteI'm not the only one who thought of this... right?
@ 8:34
ReplyDeleteNo, you aren't.
When i first saw this i was reminded of a character from NARUTO.... the fish nets and all...lol
ReplyDeleteOMG my eyes!!!
and WHAT IN THE FUCKING FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!!!!!! WHY DO THIS TO HIM?He looks like a flamboyant thug minus the actual thuggish behaviour.And what is that shit on his head.
Now let me go and voice my honest opinion of this on akp see the shit i get from other elfs.
Damn you SM damn you to hell!!!
I am horrified, what happened exactly. D:
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Leeteuk. I HATE this. These photos are just going downhill. I've actually seen people going crazy over this. Going crazy as in "OMG HE LOOKS ^%%@$!@#@% SEXYYYYY." And I'm like, "Um, no."
ReplyDeleteHangeng must be thanking god right now & thinking .. "Thank god I dont have to go thru this shit".
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a queen...chillin' on a block corner at night...
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU!!!!
ReplyDeletestupid ass ELFs were actually getting pissed cause i said Leeteuk is usually always smoking hot, but he looked FUGLY as hell here!!!
Lol. He's wearing a rainbow belt.
ReplyDeleteThat's gay, but not as gay as Heechul!
ReplyDeleteAre you going to make an article after every SuJu teaser poster? Please spare me my eyes >.>
ReplyDeletelol wtf is this. his hair, his clothes, ide.... so fugly.
ReplyDeleteI'm an elf (a sane one at that) and this pissed me off. He normally looks hot, but this.....
ReplyDeleteFxjdcfxnurbgcjdbcjffjjxnddcxjsnvjrfoslqsxbof what the FUCK happened? Damn you sm stylists. DAMN YOU!
Why the fuck are they doing this to us?! This is scaring the shit out of me! I consider myself a sane ELF and this is nauseating... It's too goddamned early for this foolishness! That album better be damn good if I'm suffering through these hot ass messes.
ReplyDeleteI was reading this because I somehow stumbled on it...I was getting upset about all the gay slurs and rude comments until I read the title. Anti-Kpop...I'll never understand people who have fun hating people. GET A LIFE!